Chapter 23

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I pressed Quinn's number. The phone rang until I heard her voice on the other line.

"Kitty, are you okay?" Quinn asked me.

"I am fine physically but mental. Everyone knows." I said over the phone.

"Oh Kitty. Are you okay?" She asked me.

"I don't know. But I do know that I want to come home. Can you please come and get me?" I asked her.

"Of course. I will be there a few. Just go to Sue and talk to her." She said.

"Okay. I will see you soon. Quinn..." I said to her.

"Yes Kitty?" She asked me.

"Thanks." I said to her.

"No problem. I will be there a few." She said. Then we hanged up and I headed to find Sue.

I walked down the empty hallways. Everyone had somewhere to be. Except for me. I walked into Sue's office.

"Kitty. Come on in." Sue said to me.

"Hi Sue." I said to her.

"Please take a seat. So I just got off the phone with Quinn. So she is coming to get you." Sue said to me.

"Yes. I know you heard everyone is talking about." I said.

"Yes. I just thought you were strong" Sue said.

"I am strong. A strong person knows when not to fight a battle they are not ready for. I am not ready for the whole school to know. So please let me go home." I said to her.

"Very well. Go get your stuff. I will email all your teachers. Who do you want them to give your work to?" She asked me.

"Ryder." I told her.

"Okay. One more thing." Sue said.

"Yes Sue?" I asked her.

"What you said about a strong person knows not to fight a battle they are not ready for. You are right. I don't want you to fight a battle that you are not ready for. A strong person is also smart. They know when they need a break and think. You do that Kitty. Also if you to. Take tomorrow too." She said to me.

"Thanks Sue." I said walking out. I went to my locker. I grabbed my things and headed to the front to wait for Quinn.

I was standing there waiting for her. I then heard someone come up behind me. I just stood there. The person said to me,

"Kitty, where are you going?" I turned around to see.......

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