Chapter 34

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"Well we can do something fun." I told him.

"Yeah. It won't be Kitty Wilde if we didn't." Ryder said.

We started looking up songs. It was fun. We had a lot of ideas. Then Ryder's mom came and told us it was dinner. We went down for dinner.

We sat down at the table. There was salad and fish.

"Ryder told me how you can stand meat right now. I feel bad. I know how much you love your meat." Ryder's mom said to me.

"Yeah. It sucks." I told them.

Ryder took me home. When we got to my place. I looked over to Ryder.

"Thanks Ryder." I said to him.

"No problem. I will see you later." He told me.

I got out of the and went inside. I looked out the window and waved to Ryder to let him know I got inside safe. Then he left.

I turned around to see Quinn sitting in a chair reading a book.

"Hey. You didn't have to wait up." I told Quinn.

"I wanted to. So what's up?" She asked me.

"Nothing." I told her. I always liked hanging out with him. He makes me so happy.

"You seem so happy." She said.

"It has been a good day. I am tired I am going to bed. Night." I said to her.

"Night." She said to me.

I went to bed. It was a good day. I got to hang out with someone I care for a lot. I just won't tell him how I truly feel. I don't want to hold him back.

It was the next day. I wake up and got dressed. I went downstairs to see Quinn making eggs.

"Morning." I said to her.

"Morning." She said putting a plate down in front of me with eggs and toast. She then poured me orange juice.

"Thanks." I said to her.

"No problem. How did you sleep?" Quinn asked me.

"Good. I actually slept. This little one let me sleep." I told her.

"Yeah. By this time, it will get harder." She told me.

"Yeah." I said.

"So how is Ryder?" She asked me.

"Good." I said eating.

"That's good." She said looking at me.

"What?" I asked her.

"How long have you liked Ryder?" She asked me.

"What?" I asked her.

"Please. I know that look." She said.

"Could you really tell?" I asked her.

"Not if you don't know the look. But why haven't you told him?" She asked me.


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