Chapter 19

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"Well I thought we could hang out. If you want to?" Ryder asked me.

"Yeah sure. You can come over to my place if you want to." I said trying not to be so girly. I had to play it cool. I walked out with the glee guys with me. When we had to go our seprate ways we all said our good-byes. Ryder and I just walked in silent most of the way.

"So do you know who put the meat in your locker?" Ryder asked me nervesly.

"I have a guess who." I told him. Why is he so nervous? Do I make him nervous?

"Who?" He asked looking at me.

"Bree." I said looking back to him.

"I won't be surprise if it was. So what is Sue going to do about it?" He asked.

"She is going to try her best to figure out who did it and exspell them or something. I don't know." I said walking up to my new home. I still live with Quinn. "Here we are." I said opening the door.

"Nice place." Ryder said walking in.

"Yeah. I am go greatful that I have Quinn here to help me. If I didn't have her I don't know what I would do." I said thinking about being homeless or in a shelter home. I got pulled out of my thought by Ryder.

"Yeah. I bet. But you would still have us glee members if not." He said smiling at me. I smiled back at him.

"I know. So what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"I don't know. What do have to do in this place?" He asked me.

"Here I will give you the grand tour of the place." I said walking to show him the house. When I got done with the tour we ended it in the kitchen where Quinn was with an older man.

"Sorry didn't mean to interup." I said backing way with Ryder right behind me.

"It's fine Kitty. Kitty, Ryder this is Mr.Berry. Rachel's father. He is a lawyer." Quinn said.

"It's nice to meet you guys. Rachel talks fond of you glee kids. I heard a lot of great things." He said smiling.

"Oh." I just looked at Ryder. Who just shrugged his shoulders at me. "So what's going on here?" I asked trying to get a look at the papers on the table.

"Just descusting about how I am going to get guariden rights over you." Quinn said to me. Quinn wants to be my guariden. That is amazing. I would love that.

"Oh okay. So how is it going?" I said looking at her. Ryder was standing there behind me.

"We are still figuring it out. But don't worry we will figure it out. So how was school?" She asked me.

"Rather not talk about it." I said. I know Sue called her and told her what happened.

"Kitty you should talk about it. Its okay. Did anyone take care of your locker?" She asked me.

"Us glee guys cleaned it for her. Marley took her cloth in there home to clean for her." Ryder answered for me.

"What he said." I said pointing my thumb at him.

So after talking to Quinn and Mr.Berry for a bit me and Ryder went to hang out in the acrade area. We hanged out there until Ryder had to go. Mr.Berry gave Ryder a ride home. The day was good. I felt like a teen again. All me and Ryder did was play some video games and talk about anything except the pregancey. It was nice. But tomorrow is a new day. Have you ever have this feeling that you know something bad was going to happen. Well I have that feeling and I don't like it. Not after having a nice day with Ryder. So I go in my pajmas and went to bed. These see what tomorrow holds for me.

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