Chapter 50

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I put away the last clothes and I went to putting the blanket my brothers gave me. I looked at it and hugged it. I just don't want to get hurt anymore. But the truth is my heart says something else. I then said,

"I like him. I really like him a lot."

"Then let him know. It's the modern day. The girl can ask out the boy. Go for it Kitty." Quinn told me.

I looked at her. She was right. If I want anything to happen in my life. I need to step up and take my life in charge. I am going to make this step. After Quinn and I talked for a bit longer I went to bed. But I took the blanket with me.

I woke up to the next morning. It is a Monday. I never really been a Monday type of girl. But today is a different day. It was a beautiful day out. So, I went with a nice relaxing dress for today. Also, I want to look nice when I ask Ryder out.

"Morning sunshine. Someone is in a good mood." Quinn said to me.

She handed me some orange juice and breakfast. It is nice living with Quinn. She is like my big sister I always wanted. I then said,

"Well, today is a good day. Also, I am going to ask Ryder out today."

"Good for you. You got this Kitty." She told me.

"Thanks Quinn. Ryder should be here soon. I will let you know how it goes." I told her. I ate my breakfast and then I heard a honk. That was Ryder.

I grabbed my things and headed out the door. I said good bye to Quinn when I left. I saw Ryder's car in the drive away. I couldn't help but smile. He makes me smile. I got into the car. He gave me a smile.

"Morning Kitty. How are you feeling today?" He asked me.

"I am good. A good morning today." I told him.

"That's good. So, you think the morning sickness is over?" He asked me.

"I hope so. But I was wondering something." I told him.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked me.

"What are you doing this weekend?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Why?" He asked me.

"Do you want to go out this weekend? Like a date." I asked him nervously. I know Quinn and others tell me likes me. But I can't help getting nervous.

"I would love to Kitty. But I want to plan it. Even though you asked me out." He told me.

"Deal. Just let me know." I told him.

We got to school. I got my bag and I headed to my locker. Ryder walked with me. He took my bag from me to carry it for me. I couldn't help but smile. He was such a sweetheart. When I got to my locker the girls were there waiting for me.

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