"Keith." I mumble, making sure my tone carries my disgruntlement. If it had been almost any other situation, I'd probably find his actions erotic. But being woken prematurely reduced any sexual longing I had for him to next to nothing.

Instead of a groan or a whine as I expected in response, my eyes widen as something soft flicks my throat sharply. What the hell was that? It didn't hurt in the slightest, but was surprising and foreign. Quickly raising my head once more, I glance back down at Keith in confusion.

He was still nipping at my skin, unfazed by my annoyed call of his name as if he never heard me in the first place. I stare at the top of his head in such bewilderment that it takes me a second to notice the purple features in my peripheral vision. Large, fluffy ears were sprouting from his coal colored hair, sending tufts of his hair in unnatural directions. How did I miss that the first time. Staring intently I watch as his left ear twitches slightly. That's what must have hit my neck. I suddenly furrow my brow. Wait, Galra? I haven't seen him transform in weeks.

The last time Keith changed into a Galra form was around a month ago during an argument with Lance. Something he said had hit a nerve and his eyes changed from their normal violet hue to completely yellow. He didn't notice at all, which isn't surprising since it's a change he can't even see, and continued to argue without knowing.

It wasn't until he realized Lance was staring at him in an odd way that he figured something was wrong. As soon as Lance pointed out his eyes were the color of egg yolks, they faded back to normal. Since then his Galran heritage hasn't flared at all. I wonder if he's full Galra. He hasn't done a complete transformation in months.

Suddenly finding Keith's current state much more interesting than falling back asleep, I focus all my attention towards him. Gingerly, I cup his cheek with my hand and start to slowly pull him away from my lovebitten skin. He resists for just a moment, seeming reluctant to leave my bruised collarbone before letting himself be guided by my touch.

As Keith's face comes into view, no longer nestled against my skin, I'm surprised to see he was completely Galra. I trace my gaze over his features, remembering what he looked like from the last time I saw him like this. It's been months since he's been like this.

A pretty shade of purple, reminding me vividly of his normal eye color, replaced his usually pale skin. It was still just as soft as before, smooth under my palm and the pads of my fingers.

His hair was a mess from the combination of bedhead and trying to conform around the ears poking through. Regardless of that, it suited him in unexpectedly attractive way. He had a way of looking good in any kind of disheveled appearance. Drifting my stare up, I meet Keith's gaze.

I'm surprised at the unexpected longing, almost lustful look stirring in his expression, dominating the clear exhaustion underneath. His eyes were lidded, yellow gaze peeking out from under the veil of his thick eyelashes. The fluffy ears either side of his head were flattened, enhancing his intimate look.

While I felt inclined to continue staring at Keith's face and taken in all the subtle things, like the soft curve in his lips, I was already feeling strain in my neck from gazing at him from such an awkward angle. Looking away for just a moment, I plant my left forearm into the mattress and try to prop myself up into a more comfortable position.

A soundless growl vibrates my hand on Keith's cheek as I lean further up the headboard, displeased for some reason at my actions. I ignore it however and don't look back until I'm comfortably resting at a higher angle. Reuniting our gazes, I see his silent protest hasn't affected his longing expression as it's the same as before.

Keith x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now