"What the fuck?" FP intensely looked around. He pulled a gun out of his holster within his jacket. He looked up at the rooftop and saw movement up there. He shot right up there. He doesn't know who's up there but they were disturbing his process. He knew Hiram would be driving down the road any second. Another shot flew past him. FP was getting annoyed so he pulled a grenade out from his weapons and threw it at city hall. Alice saw it coming and retreated. She made it down from the rooftop before the explosive could hit her.

A queue of SUVs stopped at the start of the road. Hiram's bodyguards all hovered over him to protect him from any danger coming their way. They made a detour. Alice watched them leave and cursed to herself. "Shit! There goes my chance." She was irritated. She would have to find a new time and place for her attack. She blames the stranger on the motorcycle. FP was gone too but before he left he explored around. He found a fried laptop. He took it with him believing he could trace it for the mystery sniper from the rooftop.

He went to a specific person to help him solve this mystery. He went deep into the Wyrm to talk to the tech wizard. He went to the back where he knew where to find her. Penny was drinking a spot and talking to a couple of people. She spotted FP and shooed them away so they could talk. "What can I do ya for?"

"I'm going to need your help with this." FP placed the burnt material on the table in front of her.

"FP this is a no no. You can't use this anymore."

"I don't need to use it. I just need to figure out who it belongs to. Can you trace the chip or something?"

"I could but what's in it for me?" She teased.

"Elimination of the competition."

"Fine, only because you asked so nicely." She said with sarcasm.

"Love you," He said platonically.

"Just get out and let me work." She kicked him out and he laughed. FP waited at the bar in the meantime. A few minutes later she called him back in and got him an IP address. She was barely able to help him.

"Thank you. I owe you one." He took the slip of paper from her.

"Just stop letting me see your stupid face around here." She bantered. "Say hi to the wife for me."

"Will do," FP said. He was determined to follow the address to the location of his competition. Meanwhile on the northside of town Alice was staring at the computer with Hermione. The women were going through video footage to identify the mystery man from the failed mission. Hermione paused on a single frame. "I think I got something." She zoomed in on the face. She took a better look at the face. "What? Your husband? That is impossible."

"What?" Alice took a look at the screen. "FP? He can't possibly be an assassin."

"Well he has the built for one," Mary came into the room.

"My husband, Mary. My husband."

Mary laughed and looked at the screen. "Well that definitely is your husband." She pointed right at his face. Hermione picked up the phone when she heard it ring.

"Speaking of the husband. I've got a call for you." Hermione said. "He wants to know when dinner is tonight." FP was across the street outside in his car. When he saw the address he was sent to he couldn't believe it. His wife had almost killed him before.

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