Everybody got up lazily, following after the girl.
"I just realized, Harper has 8 people helping her. And Romelle has one." Pidge facepalmed.
"Anyways.." Harper cleared her throat. Romelle walked out of Pidge's room with a coral ruffled top and white jeans. "I told you coral is her color." Pidge smirked.

"Hi." Romelle waved shyly, and Harper nervously smiled. Allura pulled Blake aside, fulfilling Romelle's request. "Hey, I was wondering...maybe we could secretly go and spy on the girls. I mean it's unsafe if they're by themselves." Allura was convincingly good at lying. Romelle knew that they were going to spy, but nobody had to know.

"Um, sure? I guess. But isn't that a invasion of privacy?" Blake side smiled. "No, I meant like um- like, if we play games and stuff, too. Like our own date! But, in secret." Allura rephrased.
"Why in secret?" Blake asked.

"Well, I guess if we do date...then I rather not tell anybody at first." Allura gulped. That part was true. Very true. "Oh.." Blake felt the blood rushing to his cheeks, and his heart jumped at the girl's words.

"Okay..." Blake finally agreed, relieving Allura.
"Great!" Allura gratefully sighed. "Um, Blake and I will be right back. We're going to go for a drive and stuff. Okay, bye!" Allura horribly fibbed. Romelle giggled. "That girl and her weird ways always seem to work."

At the Arcade •

"So, are you ready to get your ass beat at games?" Harper chuckled. "The question is if you're ready to get your ass beat at games." Romelle retorted. "I bet I'll win half of the ones we play." Harper bragged.

"You keep telling yourself that." Romelle giggled. "Blake!" Allura nudged the boy. "They're here." Allura pointed from a faraway point. "I really hope Harper isn't awkward.." Blake prayed. "You're more awkward than her, cuteness." Allura furrowed her eyebrows.

"I am not awkward!" Blake said rather loudly, blushing from the newly given nickname. "Mhm.." Allura hummed, keeping her eyes on the couple. "So, let's play." Romelle took Harper's hand, taking her to air hockey.

"They're playing that hockey thing. The one Lance told me about." Allura squinted, trying to remember the name. "Air hockey? You don't know what air hockey is?" Blake laughed. "Hey! Don't make fun of me." Allura but the inside of her cheek.

"I'm not. It's just funny." Blake defended, a few laughs still remaining. "Harper's winning- Nope Romelle- this is confusing." Allura banged her head against the hardly built slot machine. Blake was instantly alarmed "Don't do that! You could hurt yourself." Blake picked her head up and inspected it.

"Who cares if I hurt myself? I'll turn out fine-" Allura blinked a few times before Blake interrupted "-I care, even if you turn out fine." Blake stroked the girl's forehead. Allura blushed at the sudden tension that was created between the two. Thankfully, Romelle and Harper were being a loud distraction.

"Hey! No fair, you cheated!" Romelle yelled, banging her hands on the table. "I did not! I won fairly." Harper calmly disagreed. "Whatever, I'm going to the slots. Then we'll see you kicks ass." Romelle laughed.

The blinking lights shined on the blonde haired girl's face. The machine was flashing, and tempting to play. "I'm not good at slots." Harper spun on her heel, making her way over to Romelle. "That's better for me." She smiled.

For the rest of the afternoon, Blake and Allura snuck around the small arcade. They caught glimpses of Romelle and Harper having fun and all. But, Allura and Blake couldn't take any more sexual or normal tension between them. "We should head home." Romelle suggested, looking outside. When the two saw Harper and Romelle leaving, it was a relief.

Teen Years & Teen Tears (Shatt, Hidge, Klance, Shallura, etc.) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now