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The whole week had been suffering and pain for Shiro and Harper. Lance was finally shifting back to his own soft ways, he'd been talking to Keith on the phone recently. Actually that was what he was doing at 3:24 p.m. on July 27th.

"I miss you." Keith mumbled over the phone.
"I-I miss you, too. Can you come home please?" Lance begged and pleaded since 3 days ago, but nobody moved a muscle.

"I'll be there tomorrow. I have to sneak out." Keith rolled on the floor, talking quietly.
"Why would you have to sneak out?" Lance buried his face in his pillow. "Because, I don't know if Pidge and Hunk want me to see you yet." Keith explained, rolling over once more.

"Well, I have one question." Keith said, Lance picking his face up. "Yeah?" He replied absentmindedly. "So, did you get any hotter?" Keith giggled, blushing a bit. Lance looked into the mirror of Pidge's room.

"I mean, my irises are bluer. That's about it." Lance seriously said. "Such a win." Keith scoffed, smiling. "Hold on, I think Allura just woke up. I'll call you back. Love you." Keith quickly hung up the phone as the doorknob started to turn.

"Keith." Allura sighed. She lowly shut the door. "Are you still talking to Lance?" Allura snatched the phone from the boy's hands and went to his recent calls. "How is he?" Allura sat down on the bed, and Keith laid on the floor.

"He's doing better, I guess. I like talking to him." Keith smiled, and it instantly reminded Allura of her and Shiro. "You guys don't stay up until 6:00 a.m talking to each other, right?" Allura raised an eyebrow.

"No..." Keith looked guilty, and Allura smiled.
"Lance's birthday..." Keith sighed. "You're going to sneak out to see him, right?" Allura asked, the sun shining through the window.

"Yeah." Keith has told Allura to cover for him.
"Well, let's see what happens tomorrow." Allura smiled, taking Keith's phone. The ringing tone was pretty loud on speaker though.

"Hey." Lance softly answered. "Hey Babe, it's Allura. How are you?" Allura asked, beaming to hear Lance's voice. "Hey princess! I'm okay. How are you and the others?" Lance responded.

"We're all fine. Your boyfriend misses you, and we're both sneaking out tomorrow to see you." Keith raised both his eyebrows in awe. "I miss you guys a lot. Most of the day, Harper and I talk and Shiro is on guard. It's not the same, though. I'll be happy to see you and Keith tomorrow, b-but what about Pidge and Hunk?" Lance said nervously.

"They'll come once they find out we're missing." Keith giggled.

July 28th, 2018 •

Keith and Allura stayed up until 3:00 a.m. "Ready?" Keith asked, opening the window. "Yeah, Thank the heavens that Hunk's apartment is on the first floor." Allura smiled.

It was a hot day, but Allura and Keith wore black hoodies for good measure. No that's a lie, they wanted to look like people in the movies.
"Okay." Allura gave a thumbs off as soon as she saw Pidge's bedroom light turn off. She always went to bed around 3 or 4.

Keith jumped out the window, his stealth helping him. He had to help Allura out the window, since she was dressed in heels. Yes, heels. Heels, and a black hoodie. At least they were black heels.

"Alright let's go." Allura kicked her heels off, and started running to Pidge's house. "We should've had a plan." Keith frowned, walking swiftly. "Yeah." Allura agreed, running forward.

"We finally get to see Lance again." Keith uttered. They finally reached Lance at Pidge's house. The only problem is that they needed to find a way in without waking Shiro and Harper.

"Lance!" Keith threw a rock at the upstairs window, Pidge's room. Lance bolted up from the bed, looking at the window. "Who the hell?" He mumbled, seeing a boy and girl down in the side yard.

Teen Years & Teen Tears (Shatt, Hidge, Klance, Shallura, etc.) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now