Pretty Boy Prince...

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Lance woke up quite early. He glanced to his side, seeing Keith, in all his glory. The tan boy got dressed, made breakfast for him and Keith, and just stared out the window. It was April 4th, so it was spring time. The flowers seemed to bloom bigger than before.

All Lance could think about was Lotor. That name was familiar, he heard it come out of Hunk's mouth once or twice. But when?
Lance sipped his iced tea. Maybe he was paranoid. He definitely didn't like Lotor. Just the name Lotor sound dangerous.

Lance's thoughts were interrupted when Keith walked in. "Why are you up at 9:30?" Keith rubbed his groggy eyes. "I made you breakfast." Lance said, avoiding the question. The answer was to figure this whole thing out. "Don't tell me you're still thinking about pretty boy prince." Keith poured himself a cup of coffee.

"How do you even know about that?" Lance glanced back. "It was obvious last night. Plus, I'm your boyfriend. I know you." Keith gave him a peck on the cheek before going to get dressed. Lance sighed.

~ At Pidge's House ~

Hunk was shaken awake by Pidge. "Hunk!" Pidge jumped around like a fish out of water.
"What?" Hunk yawned. "I'm officially eighteen!" Pidge was much more excited than yesterday. Was it all the candy, or the cake? "Yeah, we covered that yesterday." Hunk spoke.

"I know, seems so..unreal." Pidge was in awe. Pidge heard a car on the gravel, so she ran up to the window.

Matt and Shiro were approaching. "Matt and Shiro!" Pidge flailed her arms around like a chicken. "Okay, calm down." Hunk said running up to her.

"Sister I'm home!" Matt called from the front door. He stepped in with a bag. Hunk took the heavy bag and peered inside.

"What's that?" Pidge asked jumping to reach Hunk's height. Matt swooped in and grabbed the bag "It's your birthday present, that I, er, forgot at the apartment yesterday." Matt nervously smiled.
(Mini authors note: Yeah, okay Matt you forgot at the apartment :)

Pidge tackled the bag to the floor, ripping it open. "Books!" Pidge sniffed the new books, loving the scent they gave off.

"Not just any books, no, they're coding books!"
Matt said.

"Thanks Matt!" Pidge jumped up in a ecstatic manner. Matt nodded, suffocating from the tight embrace his sister had given him.

The doorbell rang about 15 times. Hunk just knew it was Lance at the door. When Hunk opened it, Keith was just finished scolding him about having manners.

"Hey." Hunk greeted.
"Hey Hunk." Keith casually said as he entered.
"Hey Hunk! Good to see you!" Lance faked a cheerful mood to cover the thoughts of Lotor.
All Hunk could think was:
'Pidge isn't the only one hyper today.'

~ Later ~
"So Matt, where's Mr. Muscular Boyfriend?" Pidge asked glancing over at her brother.
"Um, well, he's at Allura and Coran's place right now." Matt replied.

Lance flinched hearing of Allura. "I bet he's meeting that pretty boy prince, what's his name..Lotor." Keith added.

"Pretty boy Prince, huh? He better stay away from Shiro, or else I'll give him a special beating mysel-" Matt was interrupted by Pidge and Keith laughing, and Hunk face palming.

"What?!" Matt crossed his arms like a toddler.
"You, a little twig, is gonna give a big, tough, pretty business man a beating?" Pidge asked.

'That's where you heard it! Hunk works for him. Wait, so he's a chef?" Lance thought to himself.

Lance laughed along, having no idea what was going on besides the fact Lotor was mentioned.
"Yeah, I wanna know more about this guy." Lance implied.

Teen Years & Teen Tears (Shatt, Hidge, Klance, Shallura, etc.) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now