Q & A!

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Hey! Author-Chan (Rena) here! A lot of you have been private messaging me questions, so why not do a q & a.

Q: Where is Coran?
A: Coran travels the world for a living, and he is barely there. He'll arrive again soon enough. He is currently in Brazil!

Q: Who is Romelle's endgame in your fan fiction?
A: Harper! I wanted Harper to have meaning and purpose when she was added into the story. I realized Romelle didn't have a love interest, and I came to my senses. I want Romelle to be happy after all she went through.

Q: Will Shiro and Allura get back together?
A: I don't want to spoil, but Allura and Shiro will find other love interest, though their love for each other will always remain.

Q: What's Pidge's witch power??
A: Pidge is a natural witch, basically Mother Nature. What a fucking queen.

Q: What time will the story end? I know that really doesn't make sense..but like what season?
A: The fanfic will end in the season of winter, 2023. That's because of the major Time Skip though.

Q: Will Teen Years and Teen Tears have a sequel?
A: Unfortunately, no. I'm planning on making another Voltron fan fiction though. I really hope that you guys will like it!

Q: Will Harper's brother, Blake, have a major role?
A: Of course! Guess who he gets involved with... (pst..it's a girl without a love interest right now..)

Anyways, thank you guys for supporting me and this fanfic so much. I really do love each and every one of you who read every chapter.
Rena out.

Teen Years & Teen Tears (Shatt, Hidge, Klance, Shallura, etc.) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now