Had Keith lost all the bonds he had? The sister bond with Pidge, the protective bond over Allura. The snacking and movies with Romelle and Harper. The short drives with Hunk. His love with Lance. Keith felt as if he was falling back into depression all over again.

"Keith? Come, we're having breakfast in the living room." Harper informed, leaning on the counter top. She noticed the boy's blank and expressionless face, and decided to comment.
"You okay, mullet?" Harper smiled, tilting her head slightly.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. I'm fine." Keith fibbed, smiling back. Harper fell for the lie completely, not even doubt his false words. "Are you coming?" She giggled. "Y-Yeah. I'll be right there.." Keith voice led on. Harper nodded, dancing to the salsa music Lance had turned on.

Keith hauled himself to the living room, distancing away from everybody. He sat next to  Lance, holding his hand. Keith was even distancing away from Lance. He made the decision to scoot over, away from his boyfriend.

Everybody was chatting among themselves, nobody paying any mind to Lance and Keith. "Why'd you go over there? Come back here!" Lance swarmed his boyfriend with hugs and kisses. Keith wasn't gonna lie, it was a good feeling.

Pidge looked at Hunk. "I know where we're going, and I'm making you do all the rollercoasters." Pidge quietly said. "Huh?! How'd you find out?!" Hunk exclaimed fearfully. Damn, did he really hate all of those scary rollercoasters.

"I have my ways." Pidge slyly remarked. Hunk huffed, crossing his legs. Shiro opened the front door, peering in to see everyone conversing. Lance smiled seeing his father figure walk through the door. He really wouldn't miss for anything.

"Lance! Happy Birthday, Sharpshooter!" Shiro hugged the running boy. He was still in his jeans and short sweater from the early morning sunrise. Shiro left early to see Adam, but only Lance and Keith knew that. Everybody else thought it was for some license renewal.

"How was the visit? Is Adam doing any better?" Lance desperately asked. "Yeah, he's perfectly fine. The impact was pretty harsh though." Shiro answered. Keith came stumbling up to both the boys.

"How was it?" Keith's irises glistened in the sunlight reflecting through the stained window.
"It was good. Adam's okay." Shiro sighed, patting Keith's shoulder. Lance and Keith exchanged devilish glances.

"When are you going to ask him out?" Lance and Keith asked simultaneously, grinning from ear to ear. Shiro blushed a tint of red "Um-when he gets out of the hospital.." Shiro blushed deeper, scratching the back of his neck. Keith and Lance nodded in approval.

Harper had changed the song to hardcore pro salsa dancer. Harper was born in the Dominican Republic, and she loved to dance.
Lance felt his shirt being tugged on from behind, and turned around.

"Harper!" She yelled as she pulled him to dance. Keith sat next to Romelle, as well did Shiro. Harper was an extraordinarily great dancer, almost hits Lance out of the ball park.
Obviously, Lance won because of his hips, and how they moved.

Harper wasn't the type to be jealous, so she just had fun. There, at 10:24 a.m., a good looking girl and boy dancing to salsa with all their friends around, in a living room.

Allura obviously took her camera out, videotaping every good second of the pair dancing. Pidge was sending tiny clips to all her friends on her Snapchat list, including Matt.
Big Fucking Mistake.

Matt had been waiting for Lance's birthday. He despised the group after Shiro broke up with him, and everything went south. It's a hard task being looked at just as Pidge's brother.

"Okay! We should really get going.." Hunk hurried to get dressed, as well did Pidge and Keith. Harper pulled Keith aside before he could enter the guest room, though. "Um, Mullet. As much as I tried to say no, my brother, Blake...he wants to join in today, if it's okay, of course." Harper fumbled with her words, kinda of nervous.

Teen Years & Teen Tears (Shatt, Hidge, Klance, Shallura, etc.) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now