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Everyone has things that annoy them during swim practice, but no one ever really talks about how to deal with them, or all the wonderful parts of being on a swim team. So I thought I would!

1. That frustrating time when someone who isn't as fast as you decides to lead your lane: remember they want to improve, too. Maybe they just want to challenge themselves to keep pace with you. As long as they're not slowing you down, let them be. Don't say anything until it's actually necessary. The truth is, when you're advanced to the next lane, you'll want to lead sometimes, too.

2. When your goggles leak right before a race... Ask the people who are the most advanced swimmers. They're most likely to have several pairs of nice goggles on hand!

3. You get a cramp when swimming: don't swim it out. It will only make the issue worse. Let everyone else go ahead of you, and rest until you can swim without pain. If you stop right away, you will hardly need to rest!

4. Your coach puts you in a lane full of people way slower than you: don't complain. Start at the back, so as not to offend the other swimmers. Then pass everyone, one at a time. Finally, when you are to the point where you're lapping the slowest swimmers, your coach will just move you up! It's so much better than being told to stay in the lane you've been put in, and having a coach who is resistant to moving you up because of your attitude.

5. You're put in back-to-back events at a meet: Embrace the challenge! Have fun with it! Do your best and laugh when you don't make best times because it was fun to try! It makes the meet more fun for everyone else, too!

6. Your swim suit stretched out: I feel so sorry for you! This is no fun. :( But you can use it as a drag suit for practice! Then at meets you feel like a bullet slicing through the water!

7. That beautiful moment when you have a perfect start, and a perfect turn, and you slam your hand into the wall just seconds faster than last time!


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