One Quarter Dead

15 1 2

Life feels shorter when you think of your age in terms of fractions.
I realized, a couple days ago, I have am now half way to old age.
Most thirty-year-olds I've met think they are old, even if no one else does.
If I live to be three times as old as I am now, I'll be sixty.
Fifteen years could be a quarter of my life.
Have I wasted my time?
I haven't exactly done anything valuable with my life.
Life is rather short.
I feel so entitled sometimes, but it is humbling to remember I am one of more than seven billion entitled individuals, and in three more of my lifetimes most of us will be dead.
The world could change completely.
My name, like most others, will fade. Eventually, even my memory will die.
What do I have to feel entitled about?

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