Knowledge and Understanding

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I think knowledge and understanding are different.
I can understand something intellectually without really knowing it. There are other things I know, but can not quite understand.
I know life is not fair, for example, and I understand why.
But the understanding and the knowledge are slightly separated.
When you have experienced something, you know about it, more or less. Prior to that point, any information you have is simply intellectual understanding.
If intellectual understanding is the only kind of knowledge you have regarding something, I think the understanding is not worth much to you as an individual. I think it can be valuable in interactions with other people (if that makes any sense at all), but one does not benefit from something purely in their head. I think it is knowledge that remains with us in times of suffering and trial, not understanding. Knowledge more actively influences our decisions and reactions to our surroundings as well, I think.

I know this was not well written, and it hardly made sense to me as I wrote it, but perhaps I conveyed part of the idea I had. Thank you for reading, at any rate!

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