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1. Never approach a relationship assuming you have nothing to contribute. Sometimes, your love is all that's necessary, and it's a very valuable gift. Other times, if you look for opportunities, you might find yourself able to serve and love someone in a way no one else is able to at that moment.

2. It's ok to mess up. Mistakes are a part of healthy relationships. What matters is how you approach repairing them. Have humility and honesty, be gentle and loving, and be very patient.

3. Don't avoid people with whom you have unhealthy relationships. First work to fix the relationship. Is there a way to change behaviors in the current circumstances to have a healthy relationship? Creating boundaries is sometimes necessary; are you creating them for your convenience or to help you and the other person grow towards a healthier relationship? If nothing works, ask for lots of advice and keep trying.

4. Never focus on what you can get. Instead, think of ways you can give. Giving can include sharing your joys and sorrows.

5. It's perfectly fine to ask for help, advice, or the other person's time. It's also just fine to offer these things. Avoid demanding or expecting the other person to always be available, or to help you every time you ask for it. Try to be there for the other person when they request it, as often as you can. You shouldn't if doing so could potentially hurt them, you, or your relationship.

6. It is ok to ask, "Am I burdening you?" It is also important to trust them if they say "yes" or "no." Some people will not tell you directly, in which case you should use the amazing skill of communication to learn their indirect methods of indicating when they're feeling overwhelmed or when they just need to be alone, and to help them communicate these feelings to you more directly.

7. Time is a good thing. Do things together that you both enjoy. Ask them for ideas sometimes. Go for walks or whatever else. But, spend time with them regularly.

8. Talk with your friends and mentors. Ask for advice and guidance; you don't need to follow it. Just be careful you don't begin to complain about other people, or judge them. Don't intentionally lead the person you're talking to towards complaining, bad feelings, or judgement either. Communicate rather than commiserate.

9. Don't follow my relationship advice. I have no idea what I'm talking about :-)

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