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Many people around the world are daily killed for their beliefs. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and many others.
I chose to write this for both Christians and those not of the Faith as a response to this persecution.

I've been reading recently about the martyrs of the Christian Church.
Twenty one Coptic Egyptian Christians were beheaded a couple years ago.
I think twenty nine Coptic Egyptian Christians were tortured and shot a few days ago.
Thousands of other Christians have been martyred for their refusal to deny Christ. In fact, I heard a Christian is martyred once every three minutes.
Christians are under persecution in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, China, North Korea, India, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Vietnam, and many other countries.

To all Christians-
Please join me in prayer for our brothers who are daily laying down their own lives for Christ. Please pray for the persecuted, that they would remain strong and not lose faith in our Savior. Please also join me in prayer for those who persecute. Please pray that they would know God's love, that they would see Him in those they are killing. Please love them and yearn for them to know God as Christ yearns for their conversion.
Please pray that God will open their hearts.
Please pray for all Christians in the West who are not in fear of persecution, that they would remember the suffering of their brethren and support them. Please pray the Christian Church would be known as a place of love, that it would be a place of love.

To those who are not Christian-
We know we are not the only ones being persecuted for our faith. We pray daily for peace and justice for the whole world, that persecution would end and Christ's love would prevail. Please bear with the Church patiently, and remind it of its calling to love everyone. Sin has corrupted our hearts, and we pray for healing and the restoration of love throughout the earth.

As the Orthodox Church says:
"In peace let us pray to the Lord: Lord, have mercy."

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