Something I Noticed

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Christ is risen!!!!!
Happy Easter!

In my town, it began raining a little before noon on Good Friday.
I thought, 'What a coincidence! It started raining around the same time Jesus died!'
It kept raining all through Holy Saturday.
I went to the midnight Pascha service, and when we processed around the church at midnight to celebrate Jesus rising from the dead, the rain stopped.
It was sunny on Easter.
I didn't think it was such a coincidence then.
It rained while we remembered Jesus being in the tomb, dead, and stopped when we celebrated the Resurrection.
Wow. I'm in awe.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies proclaim the works of His hands. Day after day, they pour forth speech, and night after night they display knowledge. (From Psalm 19)

This Easter is special. The Eastern and Western calendars both lined up with Passover. Because the Jewish calendar hasn't changed since Jesus' time, yesterday was literally the anniversary of His resurrection.

I am normally very skeptical of such things. But there are miracles and signs in the Bible. And I've heard of others.
This is just the first I've ever experienced.
You could call it a coincidence. Even if it was, it was an awfully powerful one.

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