Why God doesn't just rid the world of evil

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God is love. God is many more things too- like the author of faith. He is immortal, invisible, omniscient, omnipresent, etc. But most importantly, He is love. He doesn't just love us, love is who He is.
God could burn all evil in eternal flames right now if he wanted. He chooses not to.
God created us. He loves us. But we have all fallen short of His glory. In other words, we are all evil. We can not redeem ourselves to Him. So He gave us the opportunity for redemption. God came to earth and 'became sin who knew no sin' but he was blameless. He never sinned- to the day He  was crucified the only accusation made against Him was blasphemy- because He put Himself as God's equal.
Rather than forcefully make the world turn to Him and follow Him, (which is not easy: as followers of Christ we are called to willingly take up our cross, which was the worst torture the Romans came up with, and follow Him) He loves us and gives us the decision.

If all this is true, many wonder, why does the whole world not turn to Him?
In short, it is painful and threatening. We must change. Change is painful.
We must submit: Submission is terrifying.
We must suffer.
We must stay true to Him who loves us, our LORD.
We must lay ourselves before the one who created us, and know He can see through our hearts.
We must always put Him before ourselves, our family, our friends, and the whole world.
And we are then reconciled to Him, and can have true joy as we cast our burdens on the Cross.
God works through love, not force. We must choose Him.
We can choose Him because He chose us.
I have never regretted my choice. Although I am sinful and undeserving, I am loved. My goal is to reflect that love to those around me. To love.
Christianity's law is love. God is love. Love counteracts evil. It's deeper magic from before the dawn of time, to quote C. S. Lewis.

"A new commandment I give unto you; that you love one another: as I have loved you that you also love one another."
-John 13:34

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