Fine lines

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There is a fine line between almost everything. Sometimes, it can be hard to see where the line is and when we have crossed it. Lines are hard to define because when we define them, we use everything we know about the world, and this more often than not includes our beliefs.
Like the line between death and life. The line between evil and good. The line between truth and falsehood.
Even more difficult to discern are the lines between two similar things.  For example, the line between an action and a habit. Or the line between happiness and joy.
But there is a line.
And when there is no definition of the line, who can say when they have gone too far?
In our society, we are defining and redefining lines to our own advantage. I will not condemn this, but I wonder where we would find the line if we searched for it through truth rather than conforming it to our preferences.
Is anything really a spectrum? At some point, a purple becomes more red than blue.
If you tell me I was born on Mars, I can prove you wrong and label that statement as falsehood.
If you tell me I am a human being, I know you are telling the truth.
Where is the middle ground?

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