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Believing in something is a process. It is a challenging process, and often a confusing one.
As a Christian, I've asked my share of questions.
Questions are not the same as doubts: when I question something, I do so because there is something I do not understand, and I can see others have found the answer. When I doubt something, I do not believe there is an answer to my question.
I want to share my questions regarding the Christian faith and the answers I have been given in hopes they will strengthen the faith of my brethren in Christ and help those who do not share my beliefs to further understand what the Christian faith teaches. I also want to record the answers so I can remember them when my faith is tested.

Question: If God knew we would sin, why did He choose to create us anyway?
Answer: Before He created us, He loved us.

Question: Why does God love us?
Answer: From a theological standpoint, because the energy created between the three Persons of the Trinity is love. This love overflows and so God created us in His image and likeness.

Question: How can God exist with all the evil in the world?
Answer: The evil exists as a result of the devil and our sin. When God created us, He gave us free will to love Him or not. We have chosen not to in our sin, but He still loves us. In dying, He has destroyed death and defeated the devil. In rising, He has restored life and our relationship with God.
If God were to rid the world of evil, He would destroy all of us. And we would deserve it.

Question: What about evolution?
Answer: The theory of evolution doesn't bother me. Some have shown how the Bible proves it or at least does not disprove it, others have shown the opposite.
But the Bible is not a science textbook. It is God's revelation of Himself to us. Personally, I believe it is literally true. But in the end, whether or not evolution is true is irrelevant. God still created everything living, whether He did it through a natural process or not. In fact, if evolution is true, I find it proves God more than disproves Him. The chances of evolution turning out successfully are so slim...

Question: Have I sinned too much to be changed or be accepted by God?
Answer: No. God's salvation is more powerful than all evil.

Question: What does the Trinity mean?
Answer: Three divine Persons in one God, sharing the same will, nature, etc. These three Persons are God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Son is eternally begotten of the Father, and the Holy Spirit eternally proceeds from the Father. All three are without beginning or end, and are begotten, not made.
We can't fully understand the Trinity because we're human. We understand God on very limited anthropological terms.

Question: If Christ died, did God die?
Answer: Yes, but death can't defeat God. God defeated death, and in doing so bestowed life upon us all.

Question: Who is Jesus Christ?
Answer: God incarnate. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, not by the will of the flesh. He was born of the Virgin Mary, and was made man. He is fully God and fully man: having two natures, and two wills. His human will is to do the will of the Father. His divine will is the will of the Father. Jesus Christ suffered under Pontius Pilate and died. He rose again on the third day. Forty days later He ascended to the Father. When He ascended to the Father, His human nature ascended. Jesus is still fully man and fully God, offering us salvation.

Question: What if the Bible was written by some liars?
Answer: That's a very implausible theory, for so many reasons. The best one, in my opinion, is found through reading it. Once you've read the Bible, you'll understand why no one would ever make it up. It's just too crazy to have been imagined or written to control people.

Question: How do you answer any questions about Christianity?
Through studying the Bible, praying, attending church, asking the priest and fathers (spiritual fathers i.e. deacons and priests), asking more mature Christians, patience, etc.

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