Resisting Temptation

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When I'm doing something wrong, it's really hard to stop myself.
So I'm going to write a list of things to think about and remember when I am tempted to do something wrong, and tools I can use to prevent the temptation in the first place.

1. This is wrong. There is no justification for this. (If you force yourself to say this, to admit the truth, it will change any sense of justification to shame. This can make it easier to stop, but it's also too easy to ignore the feeling of shame.)

2. Doing the right thing in the future will only happen if you're able to do the right thing now. Practice self-discipline.

3. You have fallen in sin again. How weak are you?

4. Sin has consequences. Inevitably.

5. You are walking away from God. You are putting yourself before others. You are breaking God's commandments to love Him (obedience is a sign of true love for God) and to love your neighbors.

6. Jesus Christ suffered and died for your sin. You're spitting on His face and mocking Him with your actions. And you're still going to keep doing what you know is wrong?

7. You have no right to ask for forgiveness before you stop doing this.

Tools: (these are only mine, and obviously this list is not all-inclusive)

1. Asking God for forgiveness. If you do this, you'll be more encouraged to desist to prove to Him you really are repentant.

2. Prayer in general. That's the last thing I want to do when I am doing something wrong. So it's exactly what I ought to do. I should ask God for mercy and the strength to change and stop sinning.

3. Listen to Breathin' to Death by Lecrae or just repeat 'Your (God's) ways are perfect and they lead me to rest. Mine are evil and they lead me to death.' (or any other saying or song lyric that discusses resisting sin.)

4. Fasting. We fast to focus on God instead of our bodies, and to learn self discipline. The only one who suffers from not fasting is me. (I've never actually fasted before, in part because I never understood why and in part because I have very little control over my diet at the moment but I do plan to participate fully in all the Orthodox fasts once I turn 18 and have some control over my life.)

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