Code Words

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'Go away! Leave me alone!'

There are times when I hear these words spoken and I believe their meaning is perfectly straightforward. They should be respected, certainly. 

But phrases like this one can sometimes become code words. 

I know I have said these words before and truly wished to be left alone. Other times, I have said words like these and simultaneously wanted to be alone and have someone to walk with me through my pain. 

I think it is important for the difference between situations in which the meaning is very blunt and straightforward and situations in which there is a much deeper and more confusing meaning to be observed with care. Being caring towards another person and invading their personal space are two very different things. If someone makes a request like this, do not assume you know which situation you are encountering. But perhaps offering your presence and support and then respecting the request is an appropriate way to respond to any situation, as long as you can do so in a way that is safe and allows you to remain available. 

Regarding code words in general, I think everyone has their own code words. The better you know another person, the better you will be able to truly understand their code words, and more importantly, their silent language. 

And, of course, if you're not sure how to respond, just be loving! Love (not time) heals all wounds.

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