Unhealthy Relationships

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When you read the title of this chapter, what came to mind?
Often, people imagine unhealthy relationships as romantic ones, possibly abusive in some way, or else just unwise. But unhealthy relationships can exist between anyone- friends, parents, relatives, acquaintances, teachers, coaches, and many others. In fact, every relationship we have has the potential to be unhealthy.

What does an unhealthy relationship look like?

First, no real trust exists between the two parties. Second, one party feels or is obligated to remain in the relationship no matter what. Third, multiple outside parties may recognize a problem. Fourth, at least one party, and most likely both, will feel uneasy. A healthy relationship is something regarding which both parties will feel at peace.

What do you do in an unhealthy relationship?
My answer is to love. Love doesn't necessarily submit to the relationship, but in many cases it isn't realistic for the relationship to be abandoned (parents, teachers, bosses, co-workers, etc.). Next, find someone you can talk to honestly and ask for support. Then, try to communicate safely and clearly with the other party. But relationships in which abuse, be it emotional or physical, is occurring must be abandoned at once if possible. I think either party can choose to follow these steps to ease the pain of the relationship.
And, of course, pray. Pray for those in bad relationships, pray for the other party, pray for yourself.

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