Good and Bad

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I have a rather unique definition of good and bad.
I follow the definition of good and bad given in the Bible by God.
As one hymn writer put it, His law is love and his gospel is peace.
Jesus gave us the commandment to love each other. Love is good. Righteousness comes from following the law (biblical law), which is love.
Each of the ten commandments shows this. Every rule God has given His people is love.
The ten commandments are full of 'shall nots.'
The 'shall' commandments are all love commandments.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Love the Lord you God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Love one another as you are loved by God.

Love is good. God has told us to love.
Anything that goes against God is not good.

Unfortunately, according to my definition, it is impossible to be good. Who can love perfectly and fully? None of us.
We are equal in our lack of love.
We can not claim to be more righteous than our neighbor.
We have brought upon ourselves our own death.

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