I Am N

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Please, watch these videos. 

Let them encourage you in your faith, if you are Christian. If you are not, maybe these will help you to understand the Christian faith better. 

As you watch them, keep love in your hearts. After all, Jesus came to save the lost as well as the righteous, and His prayer as He let Himself be killed was "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Love was in His heart, and so it must be in ours as we hear of our persecuted brethren. I mean love not only for the persecuted, but for the persecutor. 

(N is the Arabic letter painted on the doors of Christian homes by the Islamic State and other Islamic extremist groups.)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEaR6BPSV2c (I Am N: The story- the video in the heading of this chapter)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfz7oObrx5w (I Am N: Forgiveness)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybJswTV82Ac (I Am N: Faithfulness)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMkgI5SBeF4 (I Am N: Courage)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLaIk1DiAvU (I Am N: Joy)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L83d5XPvWFQ (I Am N: Perseverance)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kf0SruOGbU (I Am N: Sacrifice)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Sy18SsUPlA (The story of a young teen whose church was attacked)

http://shoebat.com/2015/02/15/watch-video-isis-savages-beheading-twenty-one-coptic-christians-saw-martyrs-beheaded-name-jesus-fulfilled/     (Only watch this one after you have watched at least one of the above videos. Remember, love, forgive, and pray for those who beheaded the twenty one Christians. Please, pray they will come to know God's love, that they might realize the One whose followers they are persecuting loves them and wants them to know Him. Please, please please have love in your hearts.)

Christians, would you die for your faith? Would you evangelize when doing so would mean death? If you cannot have courage now, when there is no persecution in America, do not expect to find it suddenly when persecution comes. Apostasy is a thing, and it's very serious. Use your time now to prepare, to practice, to pray God will be with you and give you courage if you ever face such persecution, and also now when you don't. And pray for our brothers and sisters who suffer. And never forget to forgive as you have been forgiven by Christ, to love as you are loved by Christ, to pray for those who persecute you as Christ did, to endure your trials as Christ did, and to get up every time you fall and never give up. Never stop trying to be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect, and pray for the courage to fulfill God's will. I pray the Lord would strengthen your faith. Please also pray those who have committed apostasy would return, and would come back to Christ, no matter the cost.

To those who are not Christian- This is what we believe. We are N, and we find strength to give all because all was given for us by Jesus. Please, take to heart what you have seen. Don't forget it or dismiss it. This is the testimony we share with you- we would rather lose our life in this world than our soul in the next. We do this because we love Christ, and we love Christ because He first loved us, with perfect love. Don't worry, we are not suicidal. When the choice is given between apostasy (falling away from our faith) and death, we are to take the latter. That is the power of our faith. And please, next time you see a Christian who has forgotten what they are called to, share this with them. We often fall into sin, and we need help. Thank you for taking the time to learn about something I'm sure you feel has nothing to do with you. Really, we appreciate it. 

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I Am N----I Am Joyful, Forgiving, Faithful, Courageous, Persevering, and Sacrificial---I Am Christian---I Am N

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