I've got ten toes, eight fingers and two thumbs. If I wasn't humans then what the hell was I?

"Whatever, Jason. You two can talk about this but I'll be upstairs in my room," she paused for a moment, "Alone."

Jason shook his head before sitting down on the couch.

"I know you're tired too. You should go get some rest. Who knows what tomorrow will bring,"

I gave him a long look and then rubbed my eyes and yawned. I was tired, but I wanted to know what he meant about us not being human.

"It can wait, Daisy Lynn," he said quietly.

"I don't want it to wait," I said.

"Doesn't matter about what you want. All that matters is that you trust me and I trust you. You're gonna find what you want doesn't always come to fruition."

"Story of my life," I said thinking of all the years of abuse I've suffered through. That shut him up.

Jason got up from the couch and grabbed my hand. I really didn't feel like holding his or following him, but he didn't really give me a choice. He led me to my bedroom and closed the door as soon as I entered, leaving me alone in my new, dark, cold room. It was going to be a long night.

The next morning I awoke with a start. It took me a few moments to get my bearings and memories from last night flooded my mind. Groaning, I sat up and looked around.

The room was pretty simple. It had a full sized bed with baby blue sheets. There was a night stand to my right with a reading lamp. A window was to the left on the other side of the room and the close and dresser was across from the bed on the opposite side of the room.

I walked over to the dresser and found some toiletry items. It was enough for me to brush my teeth and take a shower. As I picked over the items, I wondered who put this stuff in here. All the clothes were the right size. Something told me it was the all-knowing Jason who was so thoughtful. Grabbing the items I stepped out of the room, to search for the bathroom so that I could get my day started.

The bathroom was just a few doors down and it was steamy - someone had already taken their shower. I hopped in intending on taking a quick one, but the water hitting my body felt to good. It was like getting an extra boost. I felt complete recharged and rejuvenated after my shower.

I stepped out and scrambled back to my room, with only my towel to cover the important parts. I wondered in the back of my mind if Jason could hear my thoughts from the shower. I shuddered at the thought and hoped that he didn't. After putting on some lotion, I got dressed and pulled my golden locks into a loose ponytail. My jeans and button-up plaid shirt were just my country girl style. I put on my worm down sneakers and headed downstairs to find some food.

When I got to the door of the kitchen I had to do a double take. Jason was standing with his shirtless muscled back to me with a pair of black basketball shorts. His bronze skin glistened from the sunlight hitting the droplets of water he'd missed when drying off. He turned around, pushing his jet black hair out of his face and his eyes met mine. I realized by the grin playing at his lips that he knew everything I was thinking and I felt my chest and face heat up.

"Here's some food," he said and tossed the plate.

I expected it to hit me in the face as I held out my hands to catch it, but right at the last second it slowed down and I grabbed the gravitating plate from the air.

"Thanks," I muttered.

For the heart attack, I thought to myself.

Jason simply chuckled and made his own plate before ushering us to the dining room table. He pulled out my chair and sat across from me. I felt like it was the calm before the storm. He was probably going to lecture me. All of yesterday's events replayed in my head before I recalled how angry he looked when he told Myra and me that our scuffle was on the news. I looked at Jason and he was eating his food. He either didn't hear my thoughts (unlikely) or he was choosing to ignore them and not give me any response. I shrugged it off and turned my attention to the plate before me.

Chronicles of the Unknowns: GenesisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang