Keith - Say It pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Now, hold up, he can swear that he had no intention that this would be where he would end up when he stepped foot off that Marmoran base what felt like months ago. He never intended to find himself in this situation in the first place, but fate has a cruel way of twisting and pulling things so out of shape you can't even recognize what the thing had been in the first place.

It was a simple Marmoran mission, not unlike most missions he had been on in the past, heck, he wasn't even alone. He had two other Blades with him when he had been sent off to gather more intel on a Galra supply ship carrying an unidentified type of quintessence. The place wasn't supposed to be anything fancy or high in security or anything like that, but with the past events and more recent problems with the Galra Empire, Kolivan didn't want to take any chances.

Well, he should've sent ten Blades, or maybe even twenty, because that place was literally crawling with high ranked generals and druids.

So, so many druids.

Keith thought he could handle it on his own; he could keep them busy while giving the other the time they needed to escape. Of course, he didn't get there in time, the ship they were on was timed to leave at a set time, and he had missed it. So, he went down failing to find another exit off the ship.

Of course, Haggar was more than pleased to have another plaything. Almost immediately she went to work with playing with his Galra genes, in less than two days he was purple, complete with a whole new set of ears and—although Keith doubted that it had anything to do with anything in his Galra genes—Keith spent his days after that withering in his cell while a tail grew painstakingly slow into place.

Yes, of course, he screamed, who wouldn't?

His Marmoran suit was quickly dismantled the moment he was given the status of prisoner. The shredded purple top itched and his bare feet were far past feeling anything but cold. The black undersuit was littered with cuts and shreds in the fabric from knives and claws digging into his skin, and he's surprised that the thing's still able to cover him at all.

After the transformation completed itself, it came down to the questioning. It was typical stuff, like where were the lions? Where's the Castle of Lions? Where is your base? Where's the Marmoran base? Well, as you can probably imagine, minus the last one, Keith didn't know about any of it, he wasn't exactly a paladin anymore, and even if he did, he wasn't about to go spouting off their secrets to the Galra Empire.

That's when things got a little nasty, and the witch got down to beating the truth out of him, literally.

He's pretty sure his left leg was either fractured or broken completely; his tail's been dislocated for a long time now, ever since the first time he tried escaping, which was probably several long weeks ago. His right eye's swollen shut, it's been that way for a while now, one of the guards takes the liberty of punching him in the eye socket every time he's dropped off to his cell for the night, and Keith wouldn't be surprised if it gets stuck like that. His right wrist was crushed under some crates when he was first captured, it hurts to move it, and the tight cuffs don't exactly help to relieve any pain.

Obviously, all of that pain was gonna get covered by a pain far greater than anything physical. He's been here long enough to know when Haggar's planning to cut him up with her "special" collection of daggers or digging around in his head that feels like she's shoving pins and needles into his skull.

He tries to pull his head up, tries to look more menacing than he felt, but his muscles didn't want to respond, so he's left with staring down at the floor as the one question (the only question she seems to be asking now, it's been the same one ever since she found that he wasn't anything useful in the information department) echoes through his ears and the room, bouncing off the walls, cold and dark and unbearable as ever now.

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