Chapter 10

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Even if Alec was alone in the basement again, he knew that Magnus was behind the door. Alec already felt sick and everything started to spin around. He fell on his knees again and felt his bones broke, one by one. The pain was indescribable. He screamed of pain when his throat felt heavy, his legs twisted in a not natural position and he growled animalistic. "GRAAAHHHHHHH" Alec felt his sharp teeth, his fur coming out. Alec remembered his parents, his sister. The bad memories were a part of his transformation. He saw Izzy laughing and sitting with him in their old garden. Alec cried from pain in his knees and then he saw black. Magnus flinched back when something hammered against the door, scratched on the wall. Magnus shaked his head "Alec stop" the door was kicked and Magnus was afraid Alec could actually open it, "Alexander" he screamed and heard how it went silent. Magnus sat down on the floor "I'm here..I'm here for you, you're not alone", the door was hammered again and Magnus sighed. They were so similar with Alec. Two monsters whin seemed for someone who would accept them. The wolf growled and roared. Magnus just waited it up. Two hours passed. Four hours. Magnus asked how Alec wasn't tired of hammering against the door. Six hours. And then. Silence. Magnus blinked sleepy and stood up to put his ear on the door "Alexander?", no response. Magnus took a deep breath and opened the door lightly. He saw a naked Alec laying on the side of the room, sweating, shuddering. Magnus quick Grabed the blanked and covered Alecs body. Alecs teeth rattled and Magnus brushed his sweaty hair from his eyes "hey shhh" he rubbed his shoulder "you made it", tears came down Alecs face and Magnus wrapped his arms around him while softy scratching his head "you made it" then he put the mattress on the floor and layed Alec there. Not stopping whispering comforting words into his hair.

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