Chapter 30

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Alec woke up in a cage to a strange voice. He opened his eyes and saw bald man. Magnus was laying beside Alec, he was still asleep. "Wake up..good doggy" grinned the man, Alec frowned "who the hell are you?", "What a shame Alec that you don't know me, I'm Valentine, I used to be a good friend of your father", Alec could believe "w-what?". They were in some kind of a basement, it smelled after chemicals and the air was thick. "My father was a mundane" said Alec, Valentine turned to him and grinned "are you sure? You try to tell me that he hadn't any secrets", Alec pressed his lips together and the man laughed "your father was a Shadowhunter and your mother a mundane", "Why should he be your friend?", "he was the only one who knew where to raise angel Raziel, the mortal mirror was the the lake in alicante, no one knew the location, only him, I promised to keep his family alive when he tell me the truth", "But you didn't kept your promise!", "neither did he", "he destroyed the soul sword and that's why I had to send a wolf after his family but what a shame, Luke wanted to play a hero and save you", "Luke was there?" Alec's knees felt weak, Luke told Alec that he found him in the forest, Valentine rolled his eyes and walked towards his instruments, Alec saw Magnus waking up and then when he saw Valentine, a sign of fear covered his eyes, Valentine grinned "hello Magnus, long time no see?".

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