Chapter 56

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Alec was to big to avoid the small traps and Valentine was about to open his mouth again when Raphael appeared behind him and whispered "bad idea to show your ugly face", the next thing was that Raphael wrapped his arms around valentines head, a knock and the head was twisted to the other side. Dead. Valentine was dead. Raphael nodded to Alec "that was for the downworld..and for your parents", Alec saw his pack joining Alec and he just realised how clear headed he was. Non wild sign. Alec cried to the moon and everyone did too, even the animals. The wolf turned his ear to the side when he smelled someone familiar. He turned back and ran towards Magnus, who at first looked surprised but then Alec jumped around him. Raphael, who still didn't really trusted Alec, followed him so he wouldn't hurt Magnus. The vampire looked up at his boyfriend "What is it? You don't want to hurt me", Alec put his big head gently on Magnus shoulder and Magnus wrapped his arms around the big wolf "I love you too", the wolf pulled back and ran away. Magnus looked at Raphael "is he..", "Valentine won't harm anyone anymore", "good", Raphael sighed "just tell did you managed to fall in love with a wolf?", "I don't know, I just..I just did, you can't chose whom you love", "Yeah but not everyone will take the smell", "I love his smell", Raphael reached his hand to Magnus "I'm happy you're here, Magnus, I hope you will stay", Magnus shaked his hand and nodded "you bet, I will".  

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