Chapter 24

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Magnus froze. It's been a while since someone confessed his feelings for him. Magnus brushed with the back of his fingers over Alecs cheek "I fell for you too, Alexander", Alec smiled and tangled their fingers "you were saving me all over again, I don't even know how to thank you", Alec brushed Magnus hair back and licked over his lips while looking at Magnus's ones. Magnus understood and leaned down to brush their lips together. Magnus was expecting to kiss a wolf was something disgusting but now..he couldn't be more wrong. Alecs lips were soft and welcoming. He opened his mouth and Magnus tasted his sweet tongue, Alec deepened the kiss and pulling Magnus toward him, grabbing his fingers in his shirt. Magnus had to remind himself being careful but Alec made him lose control over his own thoughts. Magnus noticed how he slowly sat on Alecs lap and the boys lips wandered to his neck. Alec remembered Magnus fear and pulled back a bit to ask "are you okay?", Magnus gained breath "", Alec licked over his lips and smiled "can your shirt?", Magnus nodded and Alec slowly unbuttoned it while suck on Magnus lower lip, then he brushed with his fingers over Magnus, smooth caramel chest and pressed a light kiss. Magnus needed to remind himself to breath. The innocent Werwolf turned into a sex bomb, who knew?! Alec removed the shirt from Magnus and started to kiss softly his shoulders. In all his years, Magnus never experienced that someone kissed him that soft and sexy at once before. Alecs fingers were carefull and he kissed behind magnus ear "are you okay?", Magnus couldn't speak, he was melding in Alecs arms, he nodded. Alec took Magnus head and kissed his lips again, more intense, more fearless. Magnus wrapped his arms around Alecs neck and wanted more more more. Then he moved his hips to rub on Alecs and the boy moaned. Magnus stopped so both could gain breath, "woah" Alec breathed out, his pupils were widen and his eyes light green "I guess I'm losing control too", Magnus smiled and pressed their foreheads together "shall we slow down?", Alec nodded "please", Magnus kissed his cheek and layed his head on his shoulder.

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