Chapter 31

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Valentine kneeled in front of Magnus "long time no see", Magnus started to shudder and tried to escape but Valentine just laughed "I kinda missed you", Alec took the panicking Magnus in his arms and wrapped then protectively around Magnus shoulder "how do you know Magnus?", "he never told you? I am the reason why he can walk in the sunlight", "YOU TORTURED ME" hissed magnus "experimented on me for weeks, you put injections in me that still appear in my nightmares", "but it worked", "You're a fucking monster!", Valentine shaked his head "I'm a human, it's you both who are monsters, a sickness from other dimensions, I just try to save the humanity" the he put a dog bowl beside Alec "later you will get a meal, doggy" then he left. Alec heard Magnus crying on his shoulder "oh Magnus, I'm so sorry" Alec kissed his forehead, "I can't do it again" sobbed Magnus "I don't want to, please, we have to escape", "We will, I send Luke the message, remember? He will find us", Magnus burried his face in Alecs chest as if he tried to escape from here. "He tortured me" said Magnus after a while, he had his head ion Alecs chest "with water, electricity, sunlight, fire, everything, I don't know what he wanted to archive but he broke me, it was ten years before when everything barely started, Alexander, you can't imagine what I've been trough", "I'll kill him" hissed Alec trough his teeth "I'll rip his head of", "If it would be only that easy". After hours, Valentine came on, brought a burned chicken into the dog bowl and was about to leave when Alec shouted "he! And Magnus?", "all he needs is blood" Valentine smirked and left. Alec felt sick. Two hours later, Magnus started to lick over his lips, he was hungry. Alec tried to open the gate, but the metal was strong and the door was large. There was no escape. Magnus stomach started to growl and Alec's heart started beating faster.

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