Chapter 21

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"50 years before" begun Magnus while they were walking around "I fell in love with a woman, her name was Camille, it was something special for me, she was special but..she was a vampire and I couldn't imagine to live without her, so I decided to turn to be with her forever..but soon" he frowned "she started to be possessive and wanted me to do things I didn't liked, she wanted us to kill innocent people to drink for them, make a massacre in a lived place, being criminals and she stalked me, then I ran away from her and had to understand that being a vampire, it's not only being immortal, it's being also a monster", Alec rubbed his hand "you are not a monster, and you deserve better than this woman", "I very appreciate your words, Alexander". On Alecs way home, Magnus stopped and giggled "you know, it's better if I don't come inside with you, I already ruined their air with my smell, I don't want your pack being annoyed", Alec nodded "see you tomorrow?", Magnus smirked "If you want to", "I do" said Alec honestly while looking into his eyes "i don't care what we are, I want to be with you", Magnus brushed with his thumb over Alecs lower lip "me too, darling", Alec pressed their lips together and automatically Magnus wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him back. Soon he felt his teeth and pulled back gently, Alec laughed "I'm sorry..I couldn't hold myself back", "I understand" Magnus caressed his cheek "good night, my Alexander", "good night, my Magnus".

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