Chapter 23

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Alec jumped up and felt the pain in his shoulder immediately. "Shhh shhh" hunched Magnus him as he sat beside him quickly "the bandages are fresh, don't move please", Alec grabbed Magnus hand "shadowhunters..they were haunting me, there are so many of time Magnus, they have guns, real mundane guns, you don't have any idea how dangerous it is", "shh" Magnus let him lay back "tell me everything, darling", Alec closed his eyes as if he tried to gain breath "I was in my room as I heard a scream from the forest, I run inside to look who it was and I found a dead body of a boy" he swallowed and begun to shake, Magnus caressed his arm to calm him down, "then" continued Alec "my nerves were completely down, then three shadowhunters with guns appeared but I ran away and turned..then..I barely remember how other wolves run beside me and I got shot" he looked at his shoulder, "the silver bullet only scratched you", "oh god, they were haunting Magnus, you, me, every downworlder that are still alive, they are closer than we think", Magnus pressed his lips together "Damn it", Alec looked back at Magnus "Thank you for saving me", "You're lucky, I was in Pandemonium, not far away from here", "Pandemonium? The strip club?", "It's just a club, who told you it's a strip club?", Alec shrugged "I heard it from somewhere", Magnus slipped to Alec "you were never in a club?", "I'm not so into this stuff, we're you..alone?", "with a couple of friends", "oh..great", Magnus layed beside Alec and brushed with his finger over Alecs naked chest "you weren't jealous, aren't you?", "Just afraid" said Alec quiet, "afraid of what?", Alec shaked his head "I'm sorry, forget it", "no, I need to know" Magnus turned Alecs chin to him "What is bothering you?!", "That you may find someone..else", Magnus raised his eyebrow "and why should I do this?", "Because I'm a wolf and I bring a lot of trouble, you can't even kiss me without being afraid", "I would rather being afraid than kiss someone else, I told you we can deal our problems", "Right..right" Alec looked at Magnus and smiled "I'm just..I guess I'm about to fall in love with you".

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