Chapter 41

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Alec locked the last chain and then sat down waiting for his transformation. Four days passed since his and Magnus fight and neither one of them called another. Alec wasn't sure if they were still together and that destroyed him the most. Not knowing if he was still loved by the vampire. Another reason why he didn't wanted to be a wolf, being just a mundane would be so much better, a normal ordinary life. But then it would be a episode of twilight with a human and a vampire. And honestly, Alec could live with that. Alec leaned back on the wall and waited. He was all alone again, chained like a monster. He was a monster. The boy felt how his bones started to hurt and knew that the time has come. His neck felt numb and his fingers felt like they were broken. Alec screamed from pain as he arched his back and felt his animal teeth. As on every transformation he heard voices mixed with his memories. "It's gonna be okay, Alec" he heard Izzy, he black hair was brought back, she looked so much younger "you're a fighter, big bro", Alec screamed and cramped. Then he was a big dark grey wolf. The chains were broken now and Alec started to scratch on the metal door. The wolf screamed and run against it until the door was threw back. The grey wolf ran into the woods while other animal wolves just joined him. He was leading a pack and he felt it. He felt their trust, their passion, he didn't felt alone anymore. Alec stopped on a mountain and cried into the moon. 
Magnus who was in his loft, drinking whiskey with himself, looked up "Alexander..".
Alec looked back at the wolves who were calling him the whole time. One leader came forward and his eyes seemed to speak for him. They wanted Alec to bring his pack and him being a leader of all the wolves. They wanted Alec. They said it was his destiny. Suddenly he saw another wolves, one black wolf and one light brown, Luke and Maia. Luke was a little bit bigger than Alec but Alec's fur was voluminous. Alec heard voices from the animals. Kill him. Kill him. Kill him. You're the true leader. Kill the Alpha. Kill all of them. You don't need them. Alec hissed at Luke and Maia. The wolves right behind him, ready to attack.

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