Chapter 52

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Alec heard from the outside how people were talking in jade wolf, how they were arguing and raising their voices. Alec took a deep breath and when he opened the door and came in, the voices shut down. Everyone were looking at him. Alec walked trough everyone who made him space and he stood in the table "uhm..hello", Maia looked around and then to Alec, "I know that you're confused, that you want to know who your leader is..and I was afraid to face my destiny, I was afraid a leader" Alec took another deep breath "I want to tell you that I'm ready to lead this pack, to be not only your boss but your best friend, I want to be what Luke was for you, a figure that you could trust", Bat raised his hand, "yes?" Asked Alec, he felt like a teacher, "What about Luke? Shouldn't you fight him?", "What? No no no, Luke is still a leader..just a second leader, I'm not good in those things so I will often ask him for help", Bat lowered his hand, "more questions?", someone raised his hand "yes Gretel?", "are you dating Magnus Bane?", "uhm?", "Yeah he smells like a vampire" said someone else, "oh my god did you kiss him? He's a bloodsucker, isn't it disgusting?", "wasn't he attacking you?", Alec sighed heavy "ok calm down, please stop asking questions about my personal life, it's makes me uncomfortable", "But are you together?", Alec sighed "yes", everyone started to talk, Alec shaked his head "does anyone have a question that has something to do with the pack?", no one raised his hand, Alec pouted, that was not fair. "Fine, I want to say that I want to be friends with the vampires", "i bet you do" mouthed someone silently, Alec rolled his eyes "i don't want any rivalry, or fights, we all downworlders and should stick together, understand?", everyone nodded, "good" Alec jumped down "can I go now?", "'re the leader, do whatever you want to?", "Right" Alec scratched behind his head "call me if something happens, Luke will come back as soon as possible", he left Jace wolf because he felt the tension and he didn't wanted stay there any longer. Alec walked to Magnus who already prepared dinner for them.

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