Chapter 22

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Magnus was drinking from his blood shoot in Pandemonium. One of his vampire friends from the clan had birthday and Magnus was of course invited. Raphael sat by him " smell like a empty dog", "strange, because I'm showered", "Well you know, if you spend enough time with a wolf, his smell comes to you", Magnus smirked "good to know", Raphael looked around "Don't tell me you fell for this boy", "Don't tell me you want to mess with my personal life", "wolves and vamps are rivals, for years, we only work together to defeat valentine", "I don't care about your rules, he's special to me, and you're right, I fell for him", Raphael shaked his head and watched Magnus walking to the dance floor. Only when the music changed, Magnus noticed his phone buzzing. It was Luke, Magnus frowned and walked to a corner "yes?", "Hello Magnus, it's Luke, the Alpha of the pack, since Alec spend much time with you, I wanted to ask of he's with you right now?", "no?", "I was searching for him in the police station because he hangs there often but his phone died and I don't know where he is", "uhmm" Magnus looked around "how long is he away?", "since today morning", Magnus looked at the clock, it was pretty late "I'll look for him", "Thank you, me too".
Outside Magnus noticed how cold it was outside and he flicked when he heard a cry of the wolves. Magnus walked closer to the forest and heard, there were many wolves and they ran somewhere. Magnus flinched again when he heard a shot. It was loud and then a wolf cried like it was his last cry. Magnus ran inside the woods and looked around and found many many wolves, no Werewolves, normal animal ones and they surrounded someone. When Magnus came closer he almost screamed. It was Alec, his shoulder was bleeding and he was naked. One wolf licked over his wound and when he saw Magnus, he stepped back, "Alexander" Magnus took his head "what the hell happened?".

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