Chapter 43

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When Alec woke up, he found himself fully clothed on a bed beside Magnus who was caressing his hair. "Magnus" he breathed out, Magnus slowly kissed his forehead "I'm here", "I love you", Magnus smiled at him softly "I love you too pretty boy", Alec just turned to the side to wrapp his arms around Magnus chest, burry his nose in his neck, inhaling his smell, the vampire smell that used to be disgusting for Alec, was now soothing and beautiful. He loved this smell. For a while they were just like that. Cuddling on the bed silently. "Did I hurt you?" Asked Alec, "no, I'm too good in fighting to be hurt", "and Luke?", when Magnus didn't said anything, Alec looked up "Magnus?", "He's in a hospital but he don't have serious injuries", Alec sat down "oh my god", "You couldn't control yourself, Alexander", "it's them" said Alec "they control me, they wanted me to kill Luke to be a new alpha" Alec stood up and walked around the room nervously "I should chain myself better, I should've injure myself", "What no!" Magnus went to Alec and brought his head in his hands "Alexander, look at me, that's absolute Bullshit, it's your fault, I shouldn't pressure you to the accords, I should've be with you", Alec hugged Magnus and layed his nose on his shoulder "it's not me not trusting you Magnus, it's me not trusting myself, I can't be an alpha, sign the papers when I don't know what to expect from myself, I'm so sorry", Magnus brushed his hair back "we will handle this, okay? Together", Alec nodded "i want to see Luke, I need to apologise to him", "do you want me to come with you?", "yes, please", Magnus nodded and gave him a soft kiss on alecs lips who returned the kiss and slid his arms to his chest "I know I've said it too many times but..I love you", Magnus smiled "Don't worry, I'm never tired of hearing this".

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