"I'm sorry I cannot do that. if you'd be so kind and leave this building now."

"oh look this little girl thinks she can tell us what to do." he spoke to his friends and laughed out loud his friends joined him immediately. he then smacked my ass and that's when I lose my kindness and patience with them.

"well it's time to welcome you to America. get. out. now."

I pulled out my current shocker and threatened them with it.

but all I earned was laughter.

well how do people always say these days 'actions speak louder than words' right?

I pressed it down on his shoulder and he fell from the chair.

"next time I won't be that nice. so get your ass out if here and don't forget your dogs here."

he muttered something in Russian but he left and his fellows followed him out.

i got used to situations like this.

I closed the bar and went upstairs.

as I entered my flat I heard Jessie singing and talking to someone. I sneaked in the kitchen and watched Jessie talking to Kevin who was in his cage on the table, and the radio playing.

after a while I coughed to get her attention and to stop being creepy.

she jumped a bit.

"oh my god!"

"you know usually people call me Penelope." I laughed at my own bad joke.

Jessie didn't look impressed about this joke but I could tell she hold back a laugh.

"so I see you made friends with Kevin?"

"well he's a good company. and not so scary if he stays on the cage."  she admitted

"told you! I'm getting changed now. I'm right back"

as I reentered the kitchen again the table was set, a candle was burning and Jessie leaned against the counter waiting for me. this time she was dressed casually but still stunning. she was wearing black skinny jeans and a shirt. I preferred this choice of clothes it's like she's being more her normal self.

"good midnight ma'am. I'm honored to be your host for tonight and spend this wonderful meal with you." Jessie spoke posher than usual. I mean her British accent kinda always sounded posh and somehow royal. I loved it.

she stood up moved the chair and gestured me to sit down.

I decided to join her little act.

"my pleasure miss Cornish. your attendance already lighted up my night."

she bit her lip and hided a laugh.

I admitted to myself that I was so shit at this. but I tried to continue.

Jessie served the soup and sat down next to me.

"so your dish today will be the Thai-Corn-Soup. i got the receipt as I've been in Thailand. I'm sure you'll love it"

"it smells good, looks okayish let's see how it tastes."

I blow on my spoon before I tried the first one. of course she couldn't take her gaze away from me as she studied all my facial expressions.

I didn't know you could taste so much at once. I mean o tasted curry, coconut, pepper and onions and all mixed together to one poem that I craved to take another spoon of this magical food immediately.

I accidentally let out a 'mmhmm' but I wasn't ready to give her the satisfaction she longed for.

"erhm it's not that bad." I admitted

she smirked, knowing she deserved a better compliment for her cooking skills "not bad?"

I just nodded and enjoyed the next spoon of her creation.

I changed the topic and asked her about her day. she told me about the new album and how everything's working in the studio and that she was scared that I won't match to the expectations from everyone, her manager, her family and of course the fans. we basically spoke about her for the whole dinner and I loved to get to know her better and loved to hear her talking.


I know the update is kinda late but I have a life haha

keep voting guys :)

Love around the cornerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz