"Words are not set in stone until they are carved, young Lord. You'd best not forget this. The last thing anyone wants is another war to rip us all apart."

"Well, I would hate to be the one to start it," Jimin blurted, sliding around Taemin to exit the room, his walk nearly swift enough to be labeled as a run, his legs unconsciously obeying his human instinct to flee the man who so clearly pursued him to devour.

It was not until he was in the 'safety' of his own quarters that Lord Park breathed easily again, the tell-tale letter clutched beneath his sweaty palms.


Usually, major generals were war-hungry, desperate for a fight and a way to flex their intelligence or know how.

Ten, on the other hand, appreciated all the down time he could get, especially when he had a man of interest to occupy his time.

And one Jung Hoseok was no exception.

Before Ten had learned his real identity, he was intriguing enough, but after learning that the sharp-jawed, red haired, intelligent man was his equal in every way, he couldn't get enough of him.

For the past three months, Ten had taken every opportunity to 'run into' the man on 'accident', managing to occasionally fluster him, the blush rushing onto the general's face for a brief moment before returning to the work he refused to speak to Ten about.

Each time, the redness on his cheeks lasted slightly longer, the enemy getting flustered much quicker than before, Ten secretly enjoying his own mission that he claimed was to distract the enemy from their investigation into his own home.

They had actually grown quite close, joking each time about the nobles that surrounded them, bonding over military strategy and mutual love of skinship, resulting in several touches that brought a matching blush to the ultimate confident gay's face.

He had convinced himself that the reason he didn't tell Taemin the enemy general was in their midst was because he didn't want to unnecessarily worry the King.

His sub conscious attempted to remind him that Hoseok was the enemy, but every time he caught sight of him lurking around the palace, he couldn't help but grin to himself that he got to spend more time with the lean, muscular general.

And the morning of the third elimination, Ten had spotted his target outside the ballroom, inconspicuously sweeping the floors and glancing at the nobles exiting the room, seeming to mind his own business as his arms flexed when he moved the broom a certain way.

I bet he has abs hiding under that tunic, Ten's mind indulged itself, wishing he could immediately find out.

Why not?

He smirked to himself as he approached the general from behind, grabbing him around his waist and dragging him behind a pillar, to the red-haired spitfire's surprise.

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