[8] Charisma

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"Jiminnie, the ladies are coming over this afternoon, just go read a book or something," his mother waved her free hand, the other busy holding a cup of tea as she sat in their parlor, her eyes trained on the maids arranging the flowers for her tea that afternoon.

"But, I already finished the book you gave me yesterday, and.."

"Jimin dear, no one will suffer from learning. Seven year olds have brains like sponges, so now is especially important for you to absorb as much as possible. Go read a new one and don't let me see you until dinner tonight."

"I was really hoping that you could do it with me and..."

His mother turned her gaze for one moment, stretching out her arm to grip his shoulder, turning him away.

"This tea is important darling, and I don't want you saying anything to offend these important people, they will never talk to mommy again, understand? Now go, before I make you."

Jimin slowly paced away, wiping the salty tear from his cheek, dragging his feet to his favorite chair after selecting a new book, one he had his eyes on last time.

Codes and Cyphers

He breathed a sigh of relief, sinking into the comfort of the chair that would hold his imprint for years to come, alone once again.


"Just, close your eyes or something, I don't know," Jimin whined at Yoongi, his silk boxers hanging from his hand as he threw his head back, exhausted from his attempt to make this situation comfortable for the both of them.

"Why can't you just go change in the bathroom?" Yoongi crossed his arms, motionless against Jimin's pleading eyes.

"Because then when I come back, I'll be just as naked. You're supposed to protect me anyway, so shouldn't I be in the same room as you?"

"You won't die between here and the bathroom. I assure you, in the next three minutes, Taemin will not murder you."

"Don't act like you're doing this for my sake. I felt you touch my waist this afternoon and your boner earlier," Jimin smirked, delighted at the shade of red that grew on his cheeks.

"You know, just to save you the trouble of drooling over me, I WILL go and change in the bathroom. AND I'll take this robe with me."

Jimin whirled, stalking to his private bathroom, only stopping himself from slamming the door because there were others inside the palace that did not need to hear him win an argument with his good friend.

He tugged his clothing off quickly, replacing it with nothing but the boxers he slept in, and slid on the robe, hurriedly re-entering the room to discover exactly what he had anticipated.

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