"What did he look like, Yoongs?"

"He was kind of small, but more thin than small. He had this silver hair, and I think he told me to tell you that silver had come,"


Hoseok broke into a run as Yoongi stumbled behind him, the darkness hiding the twisted confusion painted on the Lord's face.

"I don't really know how to explain it Yoongi, I don't know if I can. I'll let you read my letter to Namjoon tonight," Hoseok finally reached their chambers, pausing to look at Yoongi who appeared somewhat off to the observant general.

"Hey, you're fine, right? I mean, you usually don't say much, but typically you'd be asking questions right now like, 'Oh, Hobi who is that guy?' or 'Hobi, how come you're so rushed?'"

"I'm fine."

(A/N) : * narrator voice *   "Yoongi, however, was not fine."

"Yeah, sure. And I'm actually straight. Don't bullshit me," Hoseok rolled his eyes as they slipped into his bedroom, his arms grasping for a pen and his personal stationary as he began to scribble down.

"I know I look busy at the moment, but I'm still waiting for you to tell me why your frown is more defined this fine evening."

Yoongi breathed deeply, not wanting to admit anything to his closest friend, especially the fact that he had already slept with the man that was meant to remain pure and untouched for the duration of their stay.

"It's just, I..... I had a fight with Jimin," which, to his knowledge wasn't entirely far from the truth.


"Well get over it you pussy and apologize to him. We don't have time for this when Taemin is still doing snake things."


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