Never ending Love (✔️)

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Recap: Laksh reveals that they will shift back to the village.

Now again a few months later....

Ragini was in her 7th month they completely shifted to the village like Laksh told them.

Ragini was in no mood to talk or listen to anyone she was the one who commands. "Laksh I want ice cream NOW!".

Laksh had many difficulties to manage her tantrums. But yet he loved it to be with her. In these few months of her pregnancy his love for her increased to a new height. "Laksh now I want chocolate!!!".

Laksh was halfway prepared for everything. He had bought an ice cream machine to make her daily ice cream. He had a weekly delivery for Chocolates and sweets. Always prepared for a good attack by his wife. He also has a weekly cloth order as she is growing and all her clothes look unfit, which she has no problem with but he felt her uncomfortable.

Laksh was sitting on the Manjha. Ragini come out. "Laksh!! I want to ride!!!".

Laksh looked at her. "My beautiful Wife where you want to ride and on what you want to ride?". He asked her in confusion. Ragini points to the kids of the village, who were riding on a donkey.

Laksh looked at her and shook his head. "No way!". He stood up. "I won't let you ride on it. You will... uhm...!". He was thinking what to do. But then he bend down on his four. "You will sit on my back, I'm much safer than that donkey!".

Ragini smiles she claps in her hands and sat on Laksh back. The whole village was looking at them. How Laksh was taking full care of his wife and her desires. He was still crawling, when in front of him was the dung of the animals right in front of his way.

Laksh stopped there. Ragini pouts. "Laksh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go further!". She shouts at him. But he was searching for the right words. "My wife look I na... woh.. how... you know... it's...!". Ragini hits him. "Laksh you said you are safer than this donkey now make your way!". Again she shouts at him. He pouts and "walks" trough the dung. He felt disgust and Ragini too smells something.

"Yuck Laksh... disgusting!". She waves with her hands in front of her nose. "It's really stinking!". She stood up just after they have passed the dung path. Laksh looked at her in disbelief. "You think I did this?". Ragini was holding her nose close with her fingers and nods. "Haan don't think that I was that!".

Laksh stood up and then Ragini saw his body. 🤦‍♀️ "Laksh chi... you are covered with dung... stay away from me!". She moves backwards from him and hold her belly. "Baacha don't become like him!". Ragini shrugs and moves backwards.

Laksh come closer to her, the more she moves backwards. "Laksh stay away you are stinking. I will vomit. Laaaaaksh!". She had turned her face away and Laksh jumped into the lake behind her.

Ragini smiles. "I'm coming too...!". Laksh looked at her and refused it. "Water is too cold. I don't want you to fall sick...". 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.

Ragini and Laksh reached home and Laksh was sneezing 🤧. Ragini looked at him with crossed arms around her chest. "Ahan did someone told me that to jump into the lake will be harmful for me... but why did the same one jumped in it...?".

Laksh glares at her. "Ragini because of you I walk... I had to crawl through dung!". 🤧.

"Ragini!!!!". All come and kept her away from Laksh instead of looking at him they all looked at Ragini and cared for her as she is the pregnant one.

Laksh pouts. "Wasn't it enough that when Ragini come your whole attention was on her... now she is carrying my child... she is getting even more what I never thought would be possible!!! How?". 🤧🤧🤧🤧

DP comes to him. "Be a man and handle it like an adult". He pushes him out of the mansion. "Don't come back until your fever is gone!".

Laksh looked at him in disbelief. "Maa!!!".

AP shook her head. "Didn't you hear him! Go!". She too send him out of the house. Ragini felt bad. "But we can't sleep without that man!". She points on him holding her belly.

Janki hold Laksh hand. "Go into the room next to your bedroom you will be close to her. But not in the same room with her!".

Janki caresses Ragini. They ate and Laksh was away from both....

But not for long.... 

Hospital 😍😏

Laksh was looking at the nursery. They were in the city at one of the best hospital.

Ragini was standing next to him. "Ours is on the way Laksh control soon your dream will be in your hands. With a... !". She kept quiet. Laksh looked at her. "With a what?". He was hell scared. "Ragini I don't care boy or girl all I wanted is a healthy child. Happy child. Please Ragini tell me what is!".

Ragini never wanted to scare him she hold his hand. "With a beautiful surprise please!". They went into her room.... a few days later Ragini was in labour pain...

Laksh was there all the time. "I need ice!". She asked him. And he come back with ice cubes and places them on her forehead. "Kiss!". He kisses her forehead. "Hand!". He hold her hand tight....

A new raising sound was to hear.... the nurse was holding a new born in her hand.... but Ragini still had pain. "Ragini!!!!!". He looked to the doctor who was busy... Laksh again looked to Ragini just to hear another sound....

Laksh was numb blinking with his eyes to Ragini. "Twins?". Ragini nods... she kept that secret from everyone just to give him one surprise he would never expect...

Raksh and Lakisha entered their life's....

💗 Epilogue 💗

Laksh was travelling once a week to the city just for one night and two days to check on the both companies....

On his way back home he had filled the bags, just for his kids, who were his lifeline. But then there was the beauty in his life... she was gracefully dancing with the other kids of the village her dream to be a dancer and guide for kids become true.

His dream to have his love with him, has become true too. He was standing behind her copying her moves. The kids starts to laugh.

Ragini turns to him. "You are late!!!". She chased him. But Laksh was faster and he hides behind his two innocent kids. Who were among the other kids dancing and learning from Ragini.

Raksh and Lakisha become a wall. "Don't hurt daddy!". They hold him protectively.

Ragini pouts. "Haan he is the one with the gift who am I to you, right?". Ragini fakes a sad face and left from there.

Laksh shook his head. "Drama queen!". The kids agreed. But Laksh has gifts for every child even for the big ones, who was sitting on the swing with a pout face.

"Laksh 😍!".

She got a full shopper with her fav chocolate. He kisses her forehead and bend down on his knees resting his head on her lap. While she was eating the chocolate and the kids were playing as if there wasn't a tomorrow...

Laksh looked at her. "I Love you Mrs. Ragini Lakshya Maheshwari!".

Ragini smiles. "I love you too Mr. Lakshya Maheshwari, father of my two mischief children! Father of the coming one in the next 6 months...!".

Laksh looked at her... "Ragini What did you said?".

Ragini smiles. "I'm giving you another dream!". She kisses his forehead.... "this time you are the first, who get to know about this....!"

Laksh smiles like a mad one.... he kisses her forehead....

The kids come "and what is with us????!!".

Lakisha was on Laksh back while Raksh on Raginis lap...

Never ending love ...


The End

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