Punishment (✔️)

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Recap: Shekhar confessed his crime. Janki showed her strength. Ragini spoke up.

The police had arrested Shekhar, Sumi and Swara.

Ragini felt disgusted to know that she lived her whole life with criminals, who had never valued her or her mother. But there was the one, who has only loved them. She rushed to Laksh and hugs him as tight as possible. "Laksh Thank You!".

Laksh hold her equally tight. "Ragini don't say thank you to me and call me a stranger. I'm your husband it's my duty to protect you, care for you and look after You!". He said with a calm voice.

The whole business world was shocked, but soon one by one took their business deals back there was no one behind Shekhar. In everyone's mouth Shekhar was abused. Even in the business field you can raise and fall in a fraction of seconds and that is what happened to Shekhar's stoke shares he is bankrupt!.

Knowing that Sumi had tolerated the insult of another woman under her roof. The woman social workers were bashing her no one of the high society was interested to her false stories. Her name was on the "blacklist" no organisation was ready to help her. No Lawyer was ready to help her the same goes to Swara.

Swara made an accident. She got injured, but she killed two innocent people who were sleeping on the road. Their families might not have much, but now they had the support of the city. Swara was sentenced to jail for a hit and run case.

[According to section 187of IMV Act, punishment for offences related to accident, include a prison term of minimum three years, or/and a fine. This is also a bailable offence].

Shekhar was in court it was the hearing of the rape unfortunately the case come under the statute of limitations. But yet Laksh didn't lose the hope. He found out about the illegal business Shekhar was doing and then he got to know that Janki is not the only one he raped. He found out that after Janki there was one more whom he got killed and for murder there is no limitation period.

Shekhar asked for his lawyer. "You are my Lawyer I pay you for defending me!".

The lawyer looked at him. "You are bankrupt you are paying me for nothing as I'm no longer your lawyer. I won't risk my reputation with a client like you!". He left Shekhar alone. He was all alone no one was there for his help. Laksh found the family of the other maid, who have given a statement that Shekhar killed their daughter after raping her. He is a serial killer and rapist. After that true come out many other women found the courage and gave their statement against Shekhar.

The court has sentenced him to be hanged till death...

Ragini somewhere was hurt as he was her father even if he never loved her like Swara. But he is paying for the crimes he had committed.

Sumi was sentenced for 20 years for her crimes which included aiding and abetting of Shekhar's crime and embezzle money for charity works. In jail she faints and got to know that she has cancer, she will die in a few months...

Swara was sentenced for 3 years with the possibility to get probation for good behaviour, but what to say in jail she marked herself and killed a fellow prisoner. She was again sentenced to jail to the 3 years she got 20 years. No chance of probation.

Laksh was holding Ragini's hand all the time they were there to witness the hanging of Shekhar.

Sumi and Swara were glaring at her. But Laksh stand their as her shield. There was nothing n and no one who could separate him from his angel.

He hold her more protectively. She looked up to him. What I have done that I have got you in my life?. You made me complete the moment you entered my life I was blind thinking of you as a cruel business man like my father is. But you proved me wrong. You showed me how much love is there in your heart only for me. Finally my prayers were heard my Prince come and saved me from them. He reunited me to the one, who loves me not use me. Who care for me and my pain. Not hurting me with their wrong words or deeds. I'm so lucky to have You! This business marriage is just a name the media had given, but now it is called a true LOVE MARRIAGE...

Sumi and Swara starts to cry, but Ragini was just admiring Laksh who was holding her hand tight. "Baacha you...!". He turns to her, seeing her lost in him. "Baacha let's go! He is death now he won't harm anyone anymore!".

Ragini just nod. She didn't give Shekhar a last look. He wasn't worth it. She was staring at him only thinking to be his as soon as possible.

Laksh was driving the car. He felt her gaze on him since they left she hasn't looked away from him only he was the one she was looking at.

Janki and AP saw that and they made up a plan.

DP was the one who had to make the appeal. "Laksh we decided to go for a pilgrim. It might take some weeks. But we will return as soon as possible". He said in one go.

Laksh nods. "Okay should we come with you?". He asked honestly.

AP shook her head. "No Laksh. You have to cover up the business and help Ragini with her business too. This court hearing and evidence searching took 2 months. Now it is time to FOCUS on YOURSELF!". She tried to give him hints. But Laksh is Mr. Confused.

Laksh drunk his water. "Ragini you can accompany them I will handle both businesses besides I want to remove the name of Gadodia on the company name. Chi!".

Janki hits Laksh. "Ragini will stay here with you! We are leaving tonight!". She said and all agreed.

Soon they arrived home...


Business Marriage- RagLak (✔️)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant