Adjusting (✔️)

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Recap: RagLak moments

Laksh was sleeping in his bedroom whereas Ragini was sleeping in her bedroom with Janki.

Ragini was staring her mother, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Maa I'm so sorry what had happened to you! It was all wrong everything! You have been abused, hurt and tried to be killed. In the eyes of the world you might be death, but Laksh, who entered my life in storm. Has saved you and me!.

First I thought he will create new problems for me, but now I understand you have send him to me to be saved from the evilness of my cheap father!. He was sent to me as an ANGEL!.

Ragini was caressing Janki's head. She bend down and kisses her forehead and tries to sleep by holding her hand tight.

On the next morning

AP was awake, she had walked down the stairs into the kitchen and was surprised as Ragini was already there and making the breakfast.

AP went to her. "Ragini, Beta you are awake so early in the morning?".

Ragini turns to AP. "Maa!". She hugs AP tight. "Maa I'm use to it to wake up early in the morning, since I got the CEO position!".

AP smiles. "Haan right! Laksh told me you are handling 2 projects at the same time! Beta if there is anything you need help in you will tell me, ok?!".

Ragini nods. "Maa you don't worry as soon as I will need help I will shout. And you know who will come for my rescue?".

AP smiles even more. "Haan your Prince Charming Laksh!".

Ragini nods. "Haan!".

AP was helping Ragini with the breakfast. "Ragini where is Janki?".

Ragini stopped her work for a moment. "Maa... woh Maa isn't feeling well. She is confused as she thinks she doesn't deserves this all!".

AP shook her head. "She still lives in this fear!. Gosh Laksh had tried it often to get her out of her misery, but she isn't listening to him or anyone!".

Laksh had come down and heard the MIL and DIL duo. Janki Maa Enough!.

Laksh rushes up and knocked on her door.

Janki was ready, but scared to come down. "Yes!". A voice which could be left unnoticed, but not for Laksh. He entered the room and was angrily looking at her.

Janki was confused. "Laksh what happen?".

Laksh didn't said a word. He just took her hand and pulls her out of the room. He was pulling her more, than she was following him.

Janki wasn't sure, what he wanted to do. But the anger in his eyes was visible. They were standing in front of the kitchen door listening to Ragini and AP.

AP hold Ragini's cheek. "Ragini Beta I'm so sorry, but give her the time she needs to adjust with the new situation!".

Ragini smiles and shook her head. "Maa I know, I'm not angry on her or the way she behaves. It's absolutely right!. But the way Maa makes herself low and unworthy is what irks me. I have gone through this and it's bad! Very bad! You lose the hope in yourself, you lose the hope in justice and you lose the hope in life!. I'm scared if she might do something to herself!".

Janki was shocked. Ragini is scared for me! My angel has the fear to lose me again. Because of my scare I make her weak! No, I will be strong for her!.

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