RagLak nhok Jhok (✔️)

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Recap: Laksh rude behaviour toward Ragini just to make her understand, who she is and what she can be. Ragini anger toward Laksh, who is continuously bad mouthing her father. AP and DP left.

It was midnight and Laksh hasn't returned yet. He was a man, who worked early in the morning till late in the night. But there he didn't knew that his newly wedded wife was afraid of Darkness and Loneliness. She stayed awake till his return.

Laksh unlocked the door and enters the house the suitcase under his armpit, the phone at the same hand checking his mails and messenges and on the other hand he was holding the house keys.

He just forgot that there is someone...

Ragini stood up with an angry face as Laksh was cursing Shekhar.

Laksh starts with his speech. "That old man! How dare he to mess with me? Lakshya Maheshwari I will show him his real state just wait till the company fusion is done you will beg!".

Ragini shouts. "Mr. Maheshwari!".

Laksh scared, he let everything fall!. "What the Hell are you doing?! Do you want to kill me?!".

Ragini shocked about his reaction. "S... Sorry! I didn't wanted to scare you! I thought I'm beautiful not ugly like You!". She huffs 😤. How could he scared I'm not looking like a ghost!

Laksh fumes and looked at her with widen eyes. "Did you called me ugly?! From which angle do I look Ugly?! Oh Mrs. RAGINI LAKSHYA MAHESHWARI I'm one of the most desires man but I chose you over so many which incl. your so called sister!".

Ragini shows him her palm. "Enough! Just tell me why you come so late don't you take rest? Don't you sleep or eat?!".

Laksh smirks. "Oh ho I understand you are concerned about my health. Aww my Baacha! That is so cute!!".

Ragini looked at him in anger. She stammers. "D.. d.. did... did y...yo... you j... ju.., just called me Baacha?! I'm not a child?!".

She stamps with her feet's and vanished from there into the kitchen.

Laksh smirks. I know you are not a child, but what to do... you behave like one!. Hmm what to call you else.. angel or beauty hehe let's see in which you react worst.

Laksh follows her into kitchen. Ragini warms up the food for Laksh.

Laksh looked at the plate. "What is this?! You cooked and you are serving me?! Wow what a Wonderful wife I have... how could I called you Baacha, when you are so mature. Hmm let me think...!". She got confused by him. "Haan what about Angel?! You are an angel like wife... caring for your husbands health!".

Ragini let the spoon fall. She turns to him anger and pushes him away. "I'm not an angel! I'm a vamp your worst nightmare you got it!".

Laksh fakes the pain. "Yes you are truly coming into my nights as a beautiful dream. After all you are abeauty 😉". He teases her.

Ragini fumes more. "Laksh don't call me beauty...". She shows at him with her finger.

Laksh widen his eyes. "Wait hold on! You just.... wait did you just call me Laksh?!".

Ragini was stammering. She looked here and there trying to avoid his gaze.

Laksh pulls her close by her delicate waist... she had changed her clothes into a night gown which he had registered, but didn't said anything before.

Ragini felt his cold hand on her bare waist. She was wearing a top and shorts. He was controlling himself from the beginning, but not anymore. The way she fumes makes him go crazy.

She was feeling a current passing through her body... a shiver run down her spine. Her cheeks starts to glow... he was giving her an intense gaze....

Ragini was lost for the moment, when the microwave pings... she pushes him away.

Ragini fumes. "Mr. Maheshwari stay away from me". She warns him again.

Laksh nods. "I do... you have a separate room! I didn't asked you to stay awake! I have given you to your freedom, which you didn't had at your place!".

Ragini frowns in anger. "Who the hell Do you Think you are?!".

Laksh pulls her again. "Mrs. Ragini Lakshya Maheshwari I AM YOUR HUSBAND not a BUSINESS DEAL! Get it into your brain small brain!",

He took out the plate from the microwave and went to the dining table. He starts to eat when he bites on a hot chilli ... "Cough" he was coughing "cough"

Ragini who was lost in her thoughts. Right Mr. Maheshwari you are not a business deal I'm your business deal and there is the difference You call yourself my husband, but I'm not your wife!.

He coughs further "coughs"!!

Ragini heard it. She was a woman who cares for everyone even of those who misbehaves with her. She comes with a glass of water.

Laksh took the glass from her hand and drink it empty in seconds.

Ragini tapes on his back and rubs it. Laksh was lost in her angelic attire. "It's okay! Thank you my angel".

Ragini stamps with her feet n left. Laksh smiles, but he couldn't eat further as it was to spicy.

Ragini that man is an idiot. A duffer how dare he calling me again an angel. I'm not an angel at least not for him. I will show him what it means to mess with Me. Mrs. Ragini Lakshya Maheshwari... what!!! 😱😱😱😱😱 Ragini what you just said!!! No!!! Your are only Ragini there is no Surname joined with You! Not Gadodia and not Maheshwari only Ragini... uff this man! Arrgggg😡😡😡.

Laksh was in the kitchen preparing a sandwich for himself. Why she stayed awake?!. Why she didn't just went to bed and sleep?! Oh did she eat?! Please God don't tell me she is this bharti Anari who eats and sleeps and frinks only on her husbands wish. That is not what I want! I want her to be free! She can do whatever she wants to do. I have to talk to her! But first I have to get this fusion done one step after another I will make him confess...

Laksh was just 5 years old when a woman come to their village...
I will reveal the past part

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