Laksh coldness (✔️)

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Recap: Laksh tried his best but Ragini always take it wrong. Now he will show her his anger. The deal is signed between Shekhar and Laksh company.

Ragini was sitting there alone in the conference room. What I have done the man who is standing by my side I just hurt him. Y do I do had to make this mistake?!. M I that unfortunate that even the one who loves me will hate me?! No!. I won't let that happen.

Ragini stood up, she was sure to clear the mess. She made her way to Laksh cabin without thinking twice she enters his cabin without his permission or a knock.

Laksh was looking at her in anger. "Miss Ragini what do you want?!".

Ragini stands there for a moment. "Laksh... I...?!".

He shows he this palm. "Enough! I'm Lakshya Maheshwari. Like you are Ragini. There is no relationship between us, you have cleared all my thoughts. You hate me, you don't bother about me and still you just stepped into my cabin ignoring my privacy! Don't you have learnt to knock on a door and wait for the permission to enter?!".

Ragini pouts.

Laksh uff even this pout is making me crazy.

Ragini made a fist but controlled her anger. "Laksh I come here to apologise!".

Laksh looked at her shaking his head. "Then do na?! Why are you staring at me, just speak!".

Ragini felt bad. "Laksh please don't be angry on me. I don't like this!".

Laksh stood up. "Miss Ragini today morning I WAS your husband, who cared for everything which matters to you. But now I'm only Lakshya Maheshwari a rude and an arrogant business man. The deal is signed you are the new CEO take the job or leave it I don't care. All I wanted from you, you took it away calling my love a possession!".

Ragini was near her tears. "Laksh please I'm very...!".

Laksh again stopped her. "Ragini you better leave before I will throw you out". He said in a dangerous yet angry tone.

Ragini frighten. "Laksh....?!". She was holding her tears back. She nods and left the cabin.

Laksh waited till she left the cabin. He sat back on his chair. His elbows on the desk he hides his face in his hands and shock his head. I'm sorry Ragini but you are not learning what is right and what is wrong. What is real and what is fake! As long as you don't understand there is no need to love you! As you won't understand my love, which is pure, but for you it's like poison.

Ragini wipes her tears away she was in the elevator trying to control herself, but it wasn't possible. She cries loud.... to her luck or bad luck, no one was there to see it or to console her, she was alone again she made herself weak.

Ragini walks to her car. How could he know so much about me. First the mentioning of the dance, then he told me about the orphanage and this car. The room he made for me it's exactly I wanted it... but I never got it. Now I'm getting everything and what I am doing I'm throwing it away.

Ragini sat in the car and was hitting the steering wheel with her palm. Laksh cold behaviour was the worst, she can't handle it.

She reached home and cooked as she felt better, when she had done something. Just then Laksh arrives, he was exhausted, but he come earlier this day.

Ragini was happy, but Laksh didn't looked at her neither he was doing any flirts or showed any naughtiness towards her.

Ragini he is still angry on me. How can I change his anger?!.

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