The truth (I) (✔️)

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Please be aware the story has some secrets to be revealed. This is not a Part one story it's an own truth part, but there will be one more so I called (I).

Recap: Ragini PoV. Laksh tried to comfort her.

The guest were leaving the Maheshwari mansion at last only the Gadodia were left.

Shekhar was still fuming in anger. Ragini was standing there at the stage, she was lost in her own world all turned upside down in just one week. She has never thought that this might happen to her.

Laksh and Shekhar were on a Cold War.

Shekhar comes near and hold his collar. "You bloody...".

Laksh fumes in anger and release himself from the grip of Shekhar. "Mind your language you are at my place. If you say a word against my family which incl. your daughter then I will be the one who will throw you out!".

Ragini was shocked. How dare he to talk to my father like this?!. She comes down the stage.

Ragini was in anger. "Mr. Maheshwari how dare you to talk to my father like this? He is elder than you. He is my father means your FIL you should respect him and not dishonour him!".

Laksh looked at her in anger, but he was controlling it. What she said Mr. Maheshwari? Oh Mrs. Maheshwari it's Lakshya or Laksh.

Shekhar looked at them. "Enough of you". He shouts at her.

Ragini shook her head. "Papa please I...".

Shekhar shows his palm to her. "Shut Up!".

Laksh turns in anger to him. "How dare you to shout at MY WIFE, in MY HOUSE?!".

Shekhar turns in anger. "Oh you idiot you took the wrong girl. She is nothing to me, she isn't mine. I have signed the contract, but it has no validity. As Ragini is not my blood not even Sumis! You can make a DNA test if needed, but she is not our blood. We took her in our family as a charity. She has no one! she is no one's daughter as no one wanted her!". He was shouting and blaming Ragini not being his.

Ragini was broken. She falls on her knees. "Don't say that...". A broken voice low anf hurt... "I'm your daughter... say I am...". She as crying and looking at them with a plead in her eyes.

Sumi stamps with her feet's. "Ragini didn't you heat it. You are not our daughter. What do you think why we behaved with you like this?? You were a replacement of your mother,who was a servant in our house. We took you in because you were for free. Your mother left you behind!",

Ragini shook her head. "No!". She shouts closing her ears with her hands. She was crying silently...

Laksh bend down to her. "Ragini please control over yourself...". He felt her pain it was aching in his heart as if someone was continuously sprinkling acid on it.. he was burning for her...

Laksh looked at Shekhar. "Don't lie to her! If she isn't your blood then why you made her study?".

Shekhar breaths normally. "As a fee of her work, I let her study. Ask her how much money she got to spend".

Laksh I don't need to ask her I know it.

Ragini sniffs. "Papa..."

Shekhar glares at her and warns her. "Dare you to call me Papa. It's Mr. Gadodia you dirty blood".

Laksh raised his hand, but was stopped by DP.

DP looked at him. "Laksh that is not how we raised you!".

He turns to Shekhar. "You have said she has no family, that is wrong. Her family is here with her you may leave now because I hold my son back once, but I'm not sure if I can stop him again".

Shekhar smirks. "Oh please who the hell wants to stay here any longer. Let's go...!"

Laksh looked at them. "Shekhar Gadodia you will pay for it and the Fusion will happen! As if you opted out of it there won't be Gadodia Ltd. anymore. Trust me I have more under my control than you can ever imagine".

Swara turns. "Laksh we will do this fusion..".

Shekhar shouts at her. "Swara!!!".

Swara whispers. "Papa he is right we can't step back or else your reputation will be harmed. Trust me I have a plan".

Laksh was looking at his wife, who wasn't stopping crying. AP bend down and hold her tight. Ragini let herself fall on the ground, but AP made her head lie on her lap. While she was caressing her head, she let Ragini cry.

Swara turns with crossed arms around her chest. "Listen Laksh I will work on each project instead of Papa you have to deal with me!. Then I will take you away and if not, then I will trick you and get the property paper resigned.

Laksh I know she is planning something, but I won't fall on her cheap tricks I will make them pay for each tear she had to shed...

Laksh in his anger. "Fine! But remember One wrong move or a cheap trick. And I will destroy you. Trust my words!".

The Gadodia family leaves and Ragini was still lying on AP lap... she cries in her sleep... Laksh lifts her and carries her to her room. (Separate rooms he doesn't want to force anything).

AP looked at him. Laksh she is very weak and emotional unstable!".

Laksh nods with a sad face expression. Haan Maa I know. I still can't believe it that he lied that big. Maa she is his daughter his illegitimate one... but his blood".

AP nods. "You told us and we accepted her fully heartily. But her own father insulted his blood... his daughter".

Laksh fumes in anger. "Maa can you please change her clothes. I don't want her to wake up because of the heavy clothes". He was saying this under his anger.

AP nods. "Laksh.... ?!".

Laksh turns back. "Haan Maa...".

AP smiles. "Laksh buy her some beautiful jewellery".

Laksh shook his head. What cheap bastard!.
Haan Maa I will you don't worry.

Laksh left the room and AP changes Ragini's clothes.

DP and Laksh were talking.

DP places a hand on his son's shoulder. "Laksh we can't stay longer you know why!".

Laksh smiles and looked at him. "Haan Papa I know, but I'm not asking for me! I'm asking for her... she needs support and hold. Just a few days more! Please...?!".

AP heard it. "Haan we will stay two more days. For her... now you go and take rest. We will handle the rest tomorrow".

Laksh nods and vanished into his room.
Ragini I'm so sorry, but I couldn't help you! I will make him confess that you are his blood. That bastard had done a big crime, he had raped your mother, who was a servant in your house. I'm sorry that I couldn't say anything to you, if I would have said it he would have denied it. But I will make him pay for it. I will give you the name and your mother..... My Bua... Janki....
(Just by name she isn't blood related to him)

I come to the city to become someone and met the one, who has showed me the reality....


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