Chapter 15

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I hadn't realized I wasn't in the clothes I had on before I got drug home.

"Who changed me?" I ask as I join everyone down stairs.

I am fully aware that my hair is a mess, but at this moment I really do not care.

"Michael, I believe that question is for you," Luke says pealing back his banana, and eating it.

"Michael, who changed me?" I innocently smiled as I lean on the kitchen counter.

"Well, we all tried to. Luke was scared you'd slap him again. Ashton said it was too confusing. And Calum, well, he was laughing too much. So, the job was left up to me." He opens the refrigerator and starts rummaging through it, looking for food.

"I assume these are your clothes?" I ask brushing my fingers through my hair.

"You assume right," he closes the refrigerator door and just looks at me.

"What? Is there something wrong? Ya know what, don't even answer that question. I already know the answer." I turn back around and head back to my room. I shower, and put the same clothes on.

Michael has never looked at me like that before. I'm not sure if I liked it, or if I didn't. Should I?

I walk back down the steps, and relax by Luke on the sofa like yesterday.

"Again, Luke, I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just..I wasn't being myself." I apologize once again.

"Madi, its fine. I'm sorry, the most. I never should have tried to stop you. I just don't think Blake is a real man." He puts the remote down, and smiles at me. "But, that's just my opinion."

"Yeah. Please, don't hate me. I don't want that to be your first impression of me." I lay my head back on the sofa, and stare at the ceiling.

"Don't worry, its not." Luke smiles once again, and I swear it melts my insides. "So, how about those guys you picked up last night?"

"What guys?" I ask, raising my head to look at him.

"Those four guys you said you wouldn't mind bringing home to have some fun with." Calum says laughing.

"That was you four. I'm not that stupid. God, I don't know why I went there again. I guess after Blake and I argued again, I couldn't take it anymore."

"You're a good girl, Madi." Michael chimes in, drinking some soda.

"Clearly good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." I laugh.

"What's so funny? I don't get-oh! That's our song. I get it now." He smiles and sits beside me.

"You're such an idiot at times." I laugh again, and look at the time. I have to be at work in thirty minutes. "Holy shit!" I quickly jump up and run to my room to change into my uniform.


"I've got to be at work in less than thirty minutes." I say slipping my shoes on. I grab my keys, tell everyone goodbye, and walk out the door.

I take in the Australian scenery that is in front of me. It is beautiful. Only on rush days I realize this. Australia is a beautiful country and continent. I wish more people would come visit.

I clock in the minute I am supposed to be at work.

"That's two in a row, Maynard." Alex says behind me.

"Shut up, Alex. I am so worried that I cannot even remember your last name." I nervously say as I prepare myself to become face to face with the boss the second time this week.

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