Chapter 4

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The guys and I decide to leave the ice-cream shoppe before it gets too late.

"How long have you been with that Blake guy?" Luke asks.

"Like I said before, about six years." I grin a bit.

"Seriously? Have you guys-"

"Luke!" I cut him off, "That's none of your information. Maybe we have, maybe we haven't." I shrug.

"Michael, have they?"

"Uhm, I don't know. I could care less." Michael says with a disgusted look on his face.

"I don't tell him everything. Just, basic stuff." I kick a rock along the road while I walk.

I return home, and find Blake at my doorstep.

"Hey," I grin and sit beside him.

"Madi, I'm sorry. I don't want to argue anymore." Blake rests his right hand on my upper left thigh.

Feeling uncomfortable, I place his hand on my lower thigh, and say, "I don't want to either. We went a month without arguing, and it was quite decent. I know, we're still going to argue, but I don't want it to be over stupid stuff."

"Me neither. Do you forgive me?" He asks with pleading eyes.

"Yes," I say before giving him a small kiss. "I forgive you."

"Good." He smiles a smile I haven't seen in a while. And it brightens my mood.

"Come on, lets go inside." I stand up and unlock the door. When I push the door open, Blake falls back. I laugh and apologize.

"What happened in here?" Blake asks, examining the mess the band made.

"Yeah, you don't want to know." I begin cleaning it up, and rest on the sofa beside him.

"So, my mum said its about time I find my own place."

"You're nineteen, I agree. I moved when I was seventeen."

"I don't make enough money from my job to afford one, though."

"Get a new job. Bakeries never pay enough. I've been trying to tell you this since you first started the job. Maggie is cheap. I've worked there, and I quit because I wasn't making enough." I say, referring to Maggie's Bakery down in center town.

"Yeah, but, there is no place else. I've tried the bar, they said I'm 'too young.' I told them my age and everything."

"To be honest, you do look a bit young for your age." Blake looks sixteen instead of nineteen. "But, don't worry; apparently I do too." I say walking to the kitchen area.

I bring back two glasses of water, and a gallon of tea.

"Thirsty much?" Blake jokes.

"Yes, actually, I am. I have been wanting tea all day, and now I'm home and can have some." I sit on the sofa and place the drinks on the table.

"Why didn't you get one before you came home?" Blake asks, taking a glass of water.

"Because, it was too late, and I don't have much money." I say, pouring tea in my empty glass.

"Oh, okay."

Blake leaves around midnight, and I lock up for the night. Just as I'm about to walk to my room, I hear four knocks on my door.

I drag myself over to the door and open it

"May I help you?" I stubbornly ask.

"Yes, we'd like to crash here again." Ashton says smiling.

"Don't you have your own place?" I ask tying my hair up in a hair tie.

"Well, yes..but..."

"Fine." I move as they all cheerfully enter the room. "Just, don't leave my apartment a mess like you did today." I walk to my room and find Michael asleep in my bed.

"Aren't you going to lie down?" He asks scooting over.

"I would, but-"

"Madi, we're best friends. I'm not gonna rape you. We used to sleep in the same bed all the time when we were younger."

"I know. Let me get changed."

I grab the same sleeping clothes as last night and change in the bathroom.

I walk back in my room, and crawl in bed with Michael.

"Blake will kill us if he finds out." I say resting my head on his bare chest.

"Don't worry. He won't, I promise." Michael says playing with the loose ends of my hair. "Goodnight, Madi."

"Goodnight, Mikey." When the lights go off, we're fast asleep. Cuddled up with one another.

With LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ